AD&D - Dead Gods - Planescape (2e) - Flip eBook Pages 151-184 (2024)

Argesh leaves immediately. He knows exactly what will happen when the PCs hear the god's name, and he also knows that he's safe from any action on their part. The sods must ignore all else and reach the church as soon as possible. GE++ING INSIDE Once at the church, the PCs need to figure out a way to get inside. The same number of Athar guards are posted around the place as Lhe PCs encountered previously, and the Harmonium has stationed troops here as well. The number of Hardheads (up to 10) depends on how badly things went in Part Two of this adventure. The compulsion demands that the PCs enter the church. but they still retain their own minds and can determine the best way in. In other words. they don't have to charge the front door; they can take some time to figure out and implement a plan. However, if they take longer than one hour. the compelling force intensifies to the point where the heroes must physically enter the church regardless of anything in the way. • THE oeem EDF +HE S+EDNES. Once the bashers enter the church, they're compelled to say the name "Badir," just like all of Argesh's other victims (namely, the workmen, the Harmonium investigators, and possibly even Mhavor's Signers). Speaking the god's name triggers the Doom of the Stones. Read: All around \'Oil, t'l'l'l)'l/1i11g gro11' \till. fo11'1'C' 11c1•c1 crpenrncrtl '11<'11 qurrt - nt /cust. 1101 i11 .'>iyil. A ~irangc "'''' ri_,,., aro11111/ tlir \ta11di11!1 stom' tlinr c11ci1rl!- \'Oii, il/11mi11ntc•d Ir) t1 ~rranyc \•c/lowr,/1 /1qllt. T/11· sro11r~ seem to clr1111111• ,/la/)(', 1h1•ir m·u• fnim' 1<•11 1111/1~1i11r1 t11 n•c11!f1Jllt'. 011(' \lrcte'/11•, and 'ccm' 1u lunge Jorll'urcl to gra/1 \'rlll. ~111/de11/\', 1/Jc r11i11C'd old c/111rcl1 f11d1°\ 1111 ay. 1111d y11u .fi11tl y1111r\cl1·r~ 111 n dUfi·rr111 f1lar1•. The dark of the disappearances and the PCs' forthcoming trials involves the power Badir and his last vestiges of divine might. See, when someone invokes his name within the circle of standing stones - stones carved from Badir's own corpse - the speaker (and anyone else in the circle) is suddenly drawn into a complex dreamworld derived from the god's memories. Each of the five stones contains a fragment of Badir's memories and essence. Though most folks who·ve entered the memories have been lost forever, the power's remaining fragmentary consciousness wants those who are drawn into the mental dramas to help him return to the Astral. He's hidden his own presence in Sigil as best as he could for centuries. But now that he's been found out, he has no desire to be the source of conflict among the factions, nor does he wane his body to become a curiosity or tourist attraction. Thus, Badir encourages the PCs to enter the memory sequence stored in each of the five stones. Maps for the interior of the church and the memory scenes appear on the poster sheet (when fully unfolded). The DM should note that whatever occurs in Badir's memories is as real as "true" reality for the characters. If any of the PCs die in a scene, they die for real. When (and if) they emerge from each scene, any wounds they've suffered remain, any spells they've cast are gone from their minds, and so on. ARGESH AND +HE S+G>NES Obviously, Argesh Fiord knows the god's name, so how did he avoid the Doom of the Stones himself? Luck, mostly. As a young adventurer, Argesh discovered the journal of a Nolite priest who'd come to Sigil and realized that the temple was constructed of Badir's petrified flesh. Before the Nolite could return to the Prime Material Plane to tell his fellow priests, he was killed by one of Sigil's many traps for the unwary. From the journal, Argesh learned that Nol was the name of a sun god worshiped on the Prime. Nol's son Badir, however, was a power of wind and rain, and therefore antithetical to his tyrannical father. Thus, across the Prime, Nol's followers waged war against Badir's followers, thereby denying the wind deity of the worship he needed to sustain his godly status. Eventually. Badir died. + 149 +

Though Argesh knew Badir's name. he was unaffected by the geas that took hold of everyone else who heard it. Fact is, Argesh learned of the geas only when he memioned his discovery to a friend; the berk immediately became glassy-eyed, walked to the old church, entered it, and disappeared, never to be seen again. Argesh realized then that he'd discovered something unique in all of Sigil. He also reasoned that since he'd learned Badir's name from the Nolite's journal, he was somehow protected from the geas by a power that Nol must have bequeathed his priests to resist the might of the hated Badir. Argesh used the name on the workmen who came to demolish the church. Later, hidden by his cloak of i1111isibility, he did the same to the Harmonium investigators. Now it's the PCs' tum. THE fl RS+ S+$Nf As soon as the PCs enter the church and say "Badir, • they vanish from the real world and enter the memories of the first stone. Where are they now? The answer lies in fading remembrances from the mind of a dead god. R1forc a11\•//r111g c 1\1'. \'1111 lzcar 1/w 1 oicr,. Out oj //1c 1111- [Jt'11rtrable da1k11c~5. llrr \IJ1t11d of /11111drrth of f!t'Oplr cha11t 111g. pra\•i11g. n11cl plradi11!1 mes i11to 1/11· au. l·ar11 111di,1i11c1, 111dll'iri11al 1 011 r p1i11' a c/:nru~ of wor~l11pen prnl'111q for lrc'lp. il<"gg111g Jin l1/cHi11q,, 111 qi11119 1ha11k~ a11d f1rlll\C'. /lie 1•ri/ n/ tl111k111•H parh awl 1·1111 'r1• l11°t1l'i/J rohc d mc11 1111tl 11·11mc11 011 tl1eir krlt'r~ in 11•/wt fl/11'' '"' to 111• 11 'itark ll'lllfllt'. You k11rd t1111om1 them 111 a robt· 1 rs. c1·c11 a l10<fr r/zar i~ nor \'oru OU II. The PCs have assumed personas that belong in this memory. In the past, worshipers of Badir prayed to him in modest stone temples, and the PCs have taken the forms of supplicants of the deity. The damp, cold air is a clue that the temple is deep underground. All of the people present are swarthy humans with wind-blown lines in their faces - a desert folk. The worshjpers face a tall idol of a dark, muscular man with extraordinarily handsome and regal features. The PCs hear (and understand) the prayers of the people to their god Badir, Lord of the Cool Wind and the Rare Blessing of Rain, the Scion of Father Sun Nol. If the PCs don't begin likewise praising Badir, or if they act suspiciously in any way (such as yelling out, "What in the Lady's name is going on here?), the other worshipers eye them peerily. If the heroes' strange behavior continues, 10 worshipers draw forth long curved knives and throw the PCs imo a back room. These supplicants are surprisingly proficient in combat (as 5th-level fighters). Not all of Badir's worshipers were truly this skilled, but the god's memory isn't always firmly grounded in reality. Although the player characters now inhabit different bodies, they retain their standard ability scores, skills, spells, and innate abilities. Unfortunately, they have none of their own equipment (including spell components), but only the same robes and curved knives as the other worshipers. Nor can they leave the temple by any means, including spellcasting. Escape isn't that easy. The Badirines won't understand if the PCs attempt to explain their strange predicament. Quick-thinking characters might invem a talc to explain why they're acting so strangely to diminish the worshipers' suspicions. Whether the PCs are tossed into the back room or enter it willingly, there they find cwo living bashers standing among a number of recently slain corpses whose throats have been cut. Both men are garbed in the same brown robes as everyone else. One has a knife to the other's neck, who pleads: "No, just let me go back to Sigil ... please don't kill me .... "When the heroes appear, he yells: "I'm not supposed to be here! I'm just a sodding workman. They killed all the others! What happened to Arbor Road and the whole sodding Lower Ward?" This berk is one of the workmen hired by Cruigh Manathas to tear down the old church. He was drawn here just like the PCs were, and he's seen his companions killed, as well as some cutters that showed up after him (the Harmonium investigators). The PCs can attempt to save the captive from his obviously dire fate, but they hear the other Badirincs outside the room discussing whether or not to finish the heroes off. They've got to do something quick or they'll all end up as corpses on the temple floor. Even though this is a memory, death here is very real. At this point, canny PCs should understand that what they're experiencing must come from the mind of Badir. Any realization to that effect, whether the bashers fully grasp what's happening or merely believe that the scene's not real, allows them to see through the memory. As a last resort, the OM may call for Wisdom checks at -2 if players don't roleplay or if they fail to make the connection. Once the heroes reach that understanding, they experience a clarity of perception. A voice in their minds says: "Badir is a gentle, loving god. He does not wish bloodshed committed upon his own." If the PCs relay this message to the worshipers, the Badirincs suffer a fit of religious guilt, fall down before the characters, and plead, *Ask the Rainmaker to forgive us! We are sorry for our sins." With that, the scene fades, and the PCs find themselves returned to the old church (along with the workman, if he still lives). Wounds sustained in the memory are still present, but nothing physical - like the knives - can be brought back. However, a jewel the color of a red desert sunset is set into the forehead of the cutter who first realized the connection between Badir and the memory. THE SEC$ND S+$NE A tugging sensation pulls the party toward another stone. If the PCs try to leave the church instead, Badir speaks again in their minds: ·1 can bring an end to all conflicts." Again the characters feel the pull. If they move toward the second stone, the mist rises again, the stones take on indistinct shapes, and the heroes disappear. + 150 +

.. Bnql11. /J/1ml1111 1111/11 'en" w1ir CH' \ amt wur bod1, /JUI 1ot1 /< l'I 110 /llli11 H /11'11 1111 1111/u 1i1111~. 1·011 ngni11 /ind v11111H If 111 a bod1 tltat I\ 11111 1 u11r mi"11. lo11 \la11d 111mfc n palatral lwmr <10/clt 11 cil'rnrat11111' a11d marble pi/Ian till w11ir 1 m1111. A mnll hn1 1/ark ltair lttcl 111 11 topk11111 0111/ dnrk 'k111 dr1J1- prnq u llh I"" c lri a11d /1orl1 [1111111. r1111~ du1111 t/1C 11p11lrnt lwlh of tl11 palau n1111t/ (11r /11\ 111utl11'r Nc n1/11 • 1011 \tr1111I at lite read1 1011r dark, 111u~c11ltir flllllU'\ cmcrul 111 ornatt ar111or, 1m11 <'~{11/ 11w<11rnl u rapOll\ 111 11111r ha11cl~ . But 111c 1011 tlw cl1ild\ t/ll<trd11111~ or lt1\ mu1dr1u'" •• •, This memory arises from Badir"s life as a child-god · in the palace of his father, the sun god Nol. 0 ... . ' . The PCs play the roles of palace guards. Young Badir runs tearfully to the arms of his mother Scnarine, a human woman. As before, the heroes are unable to leave the confines of the scene. Till' cltild\ nir' an· 111·t•ndrd111<'r/ by a dmji•11111g 1•nin• that cclwr\ 1lrro11gl1- 0111tlrC"1111'11ci. "Tlri' 1•0111/1 11'1// cnmr to 110 good. /11• i~ r1 1·unt• 11po11 1111'. 11111 a blrn111g: lie rl'prrsrnts Jorn•, that tl111·1irl 11w- 1111• ll'ind, 1/11• \liadc. the rni11. /11r~r are m11 thr 1/1i11g' of Nol! T/Ic• chi/ti m11H bi• tft"\l W)'Cd f ~ Suddenly, the wall opposite the PCs collapses. A bronze dragon that glows_like the sun smashes its way through, intent on killing the young godling. The heroes must make a choice. If they do nothing, the dragon easily slays the boy (which didn't happen in reality) and the memory ends. The characters reappear in the church in Sigil, and the adventure ends for them without resolution. However, if the cutters try to save young Badir, they must hold off the dragon long enough for the child and his mother to escape. Again. each ~ hero has his oytn skills and spells, with a few subtle differences: · + Fighters now wear · · .. • banded mail +2 ·- and carry a bastard sword +3 in their hands. Even if they don't normally have the bastard sword proficiency, they do for the duration of this scene.

Wizards and priests retain their own spellcasting capabilities but find themselves garbed in heavy robes (robes of protectio11 +3) covered with the wind and rain symbols of Badir. In addition, each knows one additional spell. Mages may cast gust of wind and priests may cast fly once per day, regardless of the characters' actual levels. These extra spells disappear from their memories ar the end of the scene. Rogues are now armed with scimitars +3 and dressed in /earlier armor +3. The dragon refrains from using its breath weapon and only anacks those who directly prevent it from reaching Badir - it has no desire to slay anyone but the godling. If, as before, a PC attempts to see through the veil of memory, he hears Badir's adult voice in his mind: -w1iat is tl1e \1111, 11•itlro11t slwclr 111 11 l11cli to n·i;t or a brrl'Lr to cool tilt' ~ki11? /1 I\ a11 1111pn·~H•r. ~ lwr i\ 1111 '""· w11l1u11t mw rn 11011n\ll tlie ca rill :i It 1'1 a dt \Jro\ tr.'" These words, if repeated aloud, accomplish nothing (the same trick never works twice, berk). Unlike the worshipers of the previous memory, the dragon reveres the sun god Nol. In this scene, the PCs must be willing to fight to protect the young god - knowing full well that they're outmatched by the dragon's might and could be killed. The sacrifice allows Badir and hjs mother to escape the palace. If the bashers manage to slay the dragon, or if they all perish in the attempt, they appear back in the church in Sigil. The hero who fought most bravely against the dragon now spons a red gem in his brow. Characters who died in the banle find themselves alive again, though they retain half the damage they suffered during the fight. Usually, if a PC dies in a memory sequence, he's dead for real. This scene is an exception. TM THIRO s+eNe As before, the PC feel another pull, this time toward the third stone. But Badir no longer compels them. If they don't wish to proceed further, that's up to them. ('Course, the advenrure'll be over .... ) If the heroes move coward the stone, they find that their surroundings shift again. I mm rl1c /iiqll ridqc 1111011 111l11c11 1 uu 1w11 11 nil. 1 nu \l'l 1111/t s <1 d11111 -cm rrcd tcrra111. Tlrt la11chwp1 '' bla11h 1111 bJ rl1011H111tl\ of troop\. lw111wn licltl 1119/i. prrpt1n11g ro cro'' 1/1e 11arrnll' gulf httu t't'll tlirm 1111tl da~h 111 l'iolt 111 ctJllC't rJ /lit 11 di qroomcd Iron" l1u1cmll 11111 ~/11[1 "' 1ri111111tt' mut 11 ar cm~ 'l'li1 J/1t· mr. Aqa111 1011 {inti 1•mirs1•/11 ~ 111 ti r an11or-1 lad lwd11 s uj 1111mur\ af Hat/1r: 152 In this memory, Badir's followers defend their lands against the hordes of the sun god Nol. Nol still seeks the death of his son and all that he stands for. Thus, Nolites on many prime-material worlds seek the genocidal destruction of all who worship Badir. The characters now inhabit the forms of soldiers in the Badirine army. Each sits astride a horse. Warriors and rogues wear chain mail armor and are armed with lances, scimitars, and shields. Mages and clerics wear heavy robes, have a full complement of spell components, and are armed with appropriate weapons. The PCs wait and watch with a cavalry unit of JOO men (Jrd-level fighters) atop a high ridge. In the distance, the two armies clash. First the sky above the troops grows dark with hail after hail of arrows. Scores of figures, tiny in the distance, fall under this onslaught. When the charging armies finally meet face to face, however, the real carnage begins. As the characters watch, hundreds die in a horribly bloody battle. Then the order to arrack comes from behind the PCs. Their fellow warriors shout praises to Barur as they spur their mounts down the ridge. If the heroes ride alongside them, each character becomes the target of an enemy archer (THACO 17) upon reaching the bottom of the ridge. After that, they're driven on by the mass of their fellow cavalrymen and their mounts - straight into a shield wall of Nolite soldiers (Jrd-level fighters). l he 1llt1111 "itc11uh 11 t11111u1 [01 .1 our drnrqr. f/ic·1 /1idc hch111d \/11cld\ c111b/azo11cd ll'irli the 111111qr oj tlit b11111111q rn11. f/it•rr fo1r/1('(11h wc/1 b1111 the mark of a flllllt's\ )t//r111 o;u1, of a cloudlC'H ~k\' at 110011, nml tl1t•rr C'\l "i glta11 1111/i tl1t 11111111 cal hatred mmd up b1 rd1q1011~ fen or Tl1< look 1l1n g11 t vuu 11101111 n dta1l1 - 1·1tl1t·r nun or their' If the characters refuse to charge into battle, those around them shout: "Cowards! Badir has no place for such as you at his feasting table!" The Badirines then fall upon the PCs for their infidelity to the god. Seeking clues beyond the curtain of memory at this point achieves nothing. No matter what, the PCs can't sense anything beyond the smell of blood and the sounds of weapons clashing and men dying. Battle is inevitable, whether they fight the enemy or their comrades - chis is a war. Each character should face at least two foes. However, by the time they km or disable their opponents, they find that the fight has changed completely. The battle lines have shifted with the intensity of the conflict. Smoke and writhing masses of troops disorient the PCs until they're completely cut off from their own forces. In fact, for the moment, they're isolated from the entire battle. Now clear of distractions, the heroes can attempt to see past the memory images around them. As before, they hear Badir's voice speaking in their minds. /11 11 ar. pc oplc die A f/m/ tltccpt' ~11 Ii 1 olerict 11 /11\ 111 111 • It I\ 111 rt/11 r qo11d ""' t 1 I hut \lnl/J/\ tll1 11 a of rli "I' } t t \() 11111111 tlw1l1 I\ 1m/ll\/ and pro C\ 1111/1111 \~11/10111 till

tir1 rl/IOll or Ill\' pwplt·. I unn/ Nol \Ital/ 11•i11 1/11' elm'. nrul ,,,, \I/II 1111/ brll tln1111 rurn i[r,~h. 111u1mm Jut/ 11\ rool 1111111\ md l1cal11 Cf rlllll T/I( fiql11i11q 11111\T \TOp; 1101 111/ 11r1 cl clu //H rt 11111~1 b< \or11nl1111<1111 11'111 11 /1<11 1/1c lwtrk 1<; 1lo11r 111ul rn111ro11r Ill ll[l[Jll'CWI<' /Irr I'll wn " As before, Badir's words provide a clue lo whal the PCs should do next. Now that the battle has receded, the characters notice wounded folks lying all around them. The cutters should make an effort to help the wounded Badirine soldiers so thal they can- live on and continue to serve their power. Curative spells, bandaging, and other methods will lend succor to these poor sods. At this poinc, however, 10 Nolite berserkers (5th-level fighters) charge into the area. These savage skirmishers lry to kill everyone they see, including the wounded. The PCs should protect the injured and fend off the assailants. Once the wounded are safe, the heroes return to the old church in Sigil. The character who proved most helpful to the fallen Badirine troops has a red jewel in his forehead, just like his comrades before him. THE f$UP.+H S+$Hf The PCs now feel the pull toward the fourth standing stone, but, as before, they aren't compelled to proceed. If they do, read: r/11\ ITClll\l/lflll \ ti1ffi rUI/ f rtllll Ille" ft'\/ ilm tilllt', \'(II/ /1111 t 1w lw.Ju 5, t1111/ ww m'r111ct11 d\ lmou• that w11 'rc <Ii ad \, ahoq,, \Oii [uok llJ'CJll 0111· 11 /111 0/11 !nit\/\ 11 ill /n• demi soo11 1H lt'<'ll //re· cr11111/1l11u1 11ul11cc a101111d \'llu 11111 n11' '" ,n/c m1111a11t. a man 11 lw 11•11/1< n rr11 fl\ f1tf11n 1·01ir t'}'<'' Dark lwir qw11' qm1 <lllcl (alh 0111 o/ 111\ lmul. twd Im /1rul1h\' tl1/\k1 ulcm cf ,k111 ,/,,11 rls MUI 1n111klt \ /1;1•1•1•r b«/un lwl'1' \ 011 \C'tll l/1110111' 11 lw '<tlll1d 'in 11/lt'rly .. tilolH . In this memory sequence, the PCs are present as Badir withers and passes into the dead-book. Unfortunately, they can't seem to do anything but watch the death-throes of a god. If they look beyond the shroud of memory, they hear Badir's sorrowful voice in their minds: "fnrrnkl'11. I 11111 lus1. In {llll jro111 sudr a /of11· Jw1gh1 ro //11\ nb1 rnwl rlt'p1/1 111 rn shorr a li111c it '' c111 ordeal 110 hc·111q ~11011/d 1 nc/urr. I lrat'<' tltc 11111l1i1 rnr. 111\ rtllll\ 11ur11cltccl, 1111 ll'illth lie c fll111<·rl 111111 11111/111u111cs~ • • . . l lw 1·11rl comt•s q111< kh, bur 11ot quick/\ c11011q/1 . Afr jar/1er rnr~<d mt' a~ I u as born. aml 1111 11101/1t r 1~ d1 ml . . • 11111~1 I die alcmr!" As ghostly apparitions, the PCs can move through walls and other objects intangibly. They can freely explore the crumbling cicadel that was once the home of an immortal power. Many chambers away, lying in the anteroom next to a onceopulent bedchamber, the heroes find a weeping young woman.

Her name is Yan this (Pl/ 9 hal r-elf/O-level/LN), and she used to be a handmaiden to Renishana, one of Badir's proxies. Young Yan this is still hopelessly devoted to the power that her mistress served, and even now she feels his death as if it were her own. Until the ghostly PCs talk 10 her, she's not even aware of their presence. Nor su rprisingly, Yanthis is terrified of th e ghosts at first, but she docs not flee. Once she's calm, the characters can ask her questions. She tells them about herself. if they've got a mind to listen to her rattle her bone-box. She's a planar half-elf who was born on Arborea, where she claims this palace stands now. More importantly, she explains that after millennia of fighting, the forces of the sun god Nol have succeeded in putting most of Badir's worshipers to the sword . Worse, the constant religious wars and threats of violence have discouraged any others who might have followed the power. Without numerous worshipers, Badir is dying as surely as if someone had placed a knife between his ribs. The power's death has been a slow, painful one. As Badir's followers fell, the energy of their belief winked out li ke snuffed candles. As whole prime-material worlds were lost to his influence, Badir grew weaker and weaker, and the god now suffers in his last moments of life. The PCs should realize from Badir's words that he believes all his worshipers slain. If they're sensitive enough to understand the levels of the dying god's pain, they know that even a single mourner is one more than he thought he had. They should attempt lo convince Yanthis to go to Badir and be with him in his last moments. This, at least, would offer him some small comfort. Yan this is reluctant at first. After all, she's just a lowly mortal, not even a priest - how can she give solace to a god? Nevertheless, if the PCs are successful and Yan this goes w Badir's side, the dying god smiles through the pain at her love and devotion. It isn't enough to sustain him, but it gives him consolation as he dies. With this, the PCs return to the old church, once again standing in the center of the ring of stones. The cutter who best convinced Yanthis to help Badir has a red jewel in his forehead. THE flf+H S+EDNE This time, the characters feel a pull toward the fifth standing stone. If they move toward it, they enter a memory scene in which Badir's followers create the stones out of their patron's corpse. rl1<' bleak.< 1111111 rnitl tllat rn1- roulf(/S \1111 11•1111 Ifs ,;/,.r n l11w 1111d u i11dwg rn11d11i1s rn11/tl 1111(\ br till' A 5/ra/ Pla11t'. 1\ doL<'ll nr morr other Aqra/ tral'dcn \tlc11tll' float i11 t11r l'Cill/. /1111d111g a~ 111tc tou•ard u COllllllOll yua/. Ahead 11/ 1011. tltr g1qa11t1c form of a 111011 mru/1 of HMIC' dnft~ /ikt t1111·111pt1 \/1r//. /fo rock\>. p111ijicd fcarun·, arc w1 ll11\tak11/lh tfrn,r of rl1r !JOd Hadir - tlir 1•11c 1•011 Hill tlr<' 111 1l1t' cru1J1/Jli1111 l'lllacc. Ille p/1111t·11•n/kc" who 11pprnarlr t/11, qod lS/1 do 'o 1n1/r 'illt Ill rt l't'rcnc't'. Arm ill!/ llJIOll tlw lllf/\\ll't' lw~k . t/1n 11 •1tl1 r/rnu tn11h Jio111 tlu ir /'ark\ 1111'1 l'q1tal re\flt c I . . '>1altlc 111\>. till ~01111tl o( 111< WI aqllll/51 stOllC rt Ilg\ thro119/i thf' I nitl . .'io/r11111/1'. n 1 crr11th. //1r·,c 11w11 111111 wo111c11 /Jack apart Jlw cvrp~c of tl1r: qru/, Badir isn't just any god - he's their god. These folks're rhe last remaining worsh ipers of the dead deity. They're dressed and armed like those dusky-skinned desert folk encountered in the first stone's memory. Likewise, the PCs find themselves once again in brown robes and armed only with the picks and axes that the ocher worshipers carry. The Badirines won't answer any questions the heroes might have - fact is, too many questions, and they'll try to silence the PCs for good. If at any time a character seeks to peer beyond the rrappings of the memory. he again hears Badir's voice, though now it seems distanr and soft.

"Tirey \t'l'k 10 pn•,cn r 11'11111 """ r11kc11 fro111 tlrcm. Arc• 1l1cir uc111111' nnrcrt? Wlro rn11 rru/_1 11111kc c;11rlr a .111dnmc111r Good a11d rl'i/, /au and rb1111' - tlic•,t• //1i119' 111av /J1• dcfiurtl. Riglrt anti u1ro11g. corrt·cr ti/Id 111cuircc t - u lior1·rr ma; k11011• tire· truth of 1l1c' m? "Wl1id1 of my clw1rcs wa' 11•r1111y? l\'l1icl1 tfrci,io11 led tn my i/011·1tf(1/I? I do 11r1t k111•11. \'l'I l 11•11, tHlr<' 11 q11cJ. //r111 , 1'11·11. cu11 I - 11r n11y1111r - .111dgc these JltlOr wu/c;? "I c•t them tlo "' t/1<~· 11'ill . .. This is the strangest of the memory scenes, for the "correct" course of action is to do nothing. By watching, however, lhe PCs bear witness to the last acts of the god's worshipers. The Badirines slice out huge chunks of their deity's body and begin to carve them. The shaping of the stones occurs unnaturally fast (a flaw in the god's memories), and soon the heroes see the standing stones from the old church finished in front of them. Still saying nothing, not daring to profane their actions with words, the worshipers silently float the stones toward a waiting portal. After they all pass through the ponal. the player characters appear back in the church, standing in the center of the stone circle. One of the PCs (DM's choice) has a red jewel resting in his brow. THE SIX+H S+E&NE Before the PCs can do anything, they feel a rumble and a shudder from beneath them. A sixth, previously unseen stone pushes its way up through the center of the floor. Without warning or a chance to resist, the heroes are forced to enter the last of the memory scenes. flwu_qil you k11011' yu11 '1•c OllCl' 111)11111 Jlll"<'d 111/ll 1/1c qotf'<; mc111nrit·5, \'n111 '11rm11mlr11g' \!'t'/11 to be 1111cl1011qcd. You 'tallCf u•irl1i11 t/1r 11/tf clwrc/1 rlrnr\ been tl1r source of c;o 11111C'/1 u111 - jlrc1 of la tr. Tlri119' ft'el 111ur/1 1/11· 11'111' 1/1c·1• d1tl u 111'11 you lcjt till' "real" u•orld. 11111 '11111c1l1i11q alwut tlrl' Hflll<'' rs·r1·111. As in the other memories, the PCs can't leave the boundaries of the scene (the church). The Athar and Harmonium guards outside seem utterly oblivious to the arrival of the sixth stone, and the heroes can't communicate with them in any way. Other than that, the characters seem to be in their own bodies, with their own possessions. If the PCs attempt to sense the reality behind the memory, they hear Badir's voice in their mind one last time. "I ikc 111/ 1/ii11!/'• 11 /ifi· '' " l'llllJ - n 1111i11 11} ring' 111111 hring' I/Ill' /1ark 11•/1crr Ire \farted. Hiir/1, /1]<'. ''"'' den/Ii t11r" co11\ta111 n·cle 'pi1111i119 tlrro11ql1 1/1r ri119 of aiHc'llC-<' No p11r 1io11 qf tilt· ri11g ,/11111/rl bi· m•oufrcl 11r 1111111metl - t•ac/1 h " ' i111- p11rr11111n11d11' u·orrll)• n' tire 01/rer' I nr>k closcflo nt ll'flt11 11 1 ns. 11111/ yoll '// H'I' ll'llCll It ii/ h1· . .. Each of the five original standing stones now bears a tiny indentation visible only to someone examining them closely. These small notches are just the right size to hold the red gems that rest in the characters' foreheads. Before they can place the gems, however, the bashers're interrupted by the white-haired man who sent them to the church in the first place: Argesh Fiord. He bursts into the building, accompanied by a green slaad mercenary, and the two anack the PCs mercilessly. Strangely, this isn't a memory. In fact, it hasn't happened yet. It's a kind of future memory - a premonition. In "real" time, Argesh even now makes his way to the old church with a green slaad minder. He wants to make sure that the Doom of the Stones did indeed take care of the PCs; he can then determine the best next step to provoke the faction war. Nevenheless, the memory versions of Argesh and the slaad fight as if lhey were real. Once the PCs best their foes, they can place their gems into the sta nding stones. This act frees Badir from his imprisonment. By placing the gems, the heroes create a mystical resonance among the stones, opening a horizontally oriented portal defined by the remaining walls of the church. The portal leads back to the Astral and the body of Badir. GtJ/tic 11 /1q/11 ~11111c5 c1 t·n1 11·/1erc. l /1c grn11111/ <;/rudder\ ns if in a ru111bli11g car1lrq11t1h'. 1/wuglr tllere\ really 110 M<·nrtl1" to q11t1kc 111 '>19il. fl1r r111irr floor of tllr cl1111cl1 gln11·' lrkl' a u nc1i l'atcd p11rtal. 0111/ tl1r \t1111rc; i1111/ 1'1r rn111' l1rgi11 to 111111/Jit' do11·1111•1ml i1110 whot look' /1k1· the Ac;1ml /'fo 11t'. Ju n mdde11 ~llnf1 of lmq/11 i//11mi1w1io11. 1/rc• ~i//111111111· oj n /i11c-fc"11"''tf man 1111115 1011 nrd you, 11011\, a11d ll'alh 'trnig/11 intn 1/1t' portal'~ l1gl11. As the world literally drops out from beneath the PCs, lhey, too, begin to fal l. However, before they plunge through the ponal, they rerurn to reality at the center of the church. But as in the future-memory scene they just played out, the building has vanished. The stones, the ruins, the foundation, everything is gone - almost as if it never existed at all. Immediately, the guards who were positioned around the church rush onto the ground where the building stood only moments before. Once the Athar tumble to what's actually happened, however, they're extremely pleased. They wanted the stones gone, and now they don't have to expend the effort to do it themselves. The PCs are suddenly heroes in the eyes of the Alhar - a position in which they may not be entirely comfonable. Canny bashers probably won't be surprised to see the real Argesh Fiord arrive with a green slaad bodyguard. However, that doesn't mean the heroes have to fight them again. In fact, Argesh has no intention of sticking around to exchange blows once he knows his plot has failed. He takes one look and leaves the scene as quickly as possible. Besides, even if he and his minder could put the whole lot of guards and heroes into the dead-book, what would that accomplish? Argesh wants revenge on the Athar and the Sign of One. He's not about to waste his time fighting with a handful of berks, no maner how utterly they've just ruined his plans. Instead, Argesh • 155 .

takes this horrible set-back in stride and flees to begin planning a new scheme for revenge. + R.ESE9LU+IE9NS + With the temple gone, tensions berween the factions begin to smooth over. The Athar reassign their guards and retract their ultimatums toward the Signers. There's nothing to fight over now, right? Likewise, the Signers declare chat they have no quarrel with the Athar. (If they haven't done so already. faction high-ups scrag Mhavor and his followers and make them pay the music for the trouble they've caused.) Peace is restored to the City of Doors, at least for the moment. Argesh Fiord may very well be planning a new scheme, although now - assuming the PCs told someone about his existence and involvement - he's a wanted man. The OM may even want the heroes to learn of his background, so they can understand a little more of what he was after and why. They can tumble to his history by piecing together various bits of information from Athar and Signer sources, or meet a few of the folks who know the dark of Argesh's hatred for the factions. Folks talk about the disappearing church for a while, but the whole incident quickly passes from their minds - memory's a funny thing. The Athar remember better than most, however, and offer the PCs an advance of 800 gp each if they take on some covert temple-bashing assignments throughout the planes. If the characters are interested, this could be the springboard for other adventures. Canny bloods might still wonder about Badir and the old church. It's common chant that the Lady of Pain doesn't allow powers into Sigil, yet part of Badir's consciousness resided in the Cage. (Granted, he was dead, but still. ... ) Was the Lady unaware of him? Did she send the dabus to investigate? Did she care at all? Or is she more limited in her power than folks suspect? Some berks say that Badir's remains were exempt from the ban because he'd been in Sigil longer than the Lady. implying that there was a time when the City of Doors was not her home. But since no one can put a date on the church's construction, that's impossible to determine. (No one knows when the Lady of Pain showed up either, for that matter.) Others ranle their bone-boxes about spells and potent magic that allow mortals to act without the Lady's knowledge, but most folks just back away slowly and look peerily over their shoulders when they hear addle-coves spout such obvious nonsense. The whole incident raises more questions than it answers. Such is the way of mysteries in the Cage and throughout the planes; no one can ever know all of the multiverse's secrets. Most folks are just glad that the tensions have abated in the City of Doors. But wiser heads know there's no telling when the quiet faction skirmishes of the Cage will erupt into an all-out war, bringing Sigil to its very knees ....

VISAGE Cr IM \IF/Tr kl< \JN: lk10lLNlY: ORC1\Nl/\JIU~: /\l IIVll\ CY< 11: D111: lr.ll I I llif"J(t-; fld \SlRf: /\l llJN\ll i>; •: Nu. 1\l l'EAR.%: i\1\\101\ CLA<..~: Mm1w'l1: tin IJ1c 1 : I 11/\CO: No. of/\ lAO;~: Dl\M/\l1I /Ari Al K: Si'LLIAl AT IAlK'>: s1·1 UAL llrn N~ t .,: i\11\UC RI ~hr\';Lf:: S111: l\loKAll: XI' \.All I: Any Very rare Solitary Any None High (13-14) Nil Chaotic evil ld4 0 Fl 15 (A) 6 15 2 I dB/ I dB (claw/claw) Lucidity control, domination Hit only by +I or better weapons, immune to holy water 25% M (6' tall) Elite (I 3-14) 4,000 What is real? Ask any two berks, especially those from different factions, and a body's likely to get two completely different answers. Find a cutter that's faced a visage, though, and the answer might be a little strange. See, a visage is a creature of deception. It assaults perceptions, steals identities, and crushes wills. Nightmarish fiends of insidious power, visages are - thankfully - extremely rare. Fact is, they're found only in the service of the deity now known as Tenebrous. Visages are undead tanar'ri, former servants of Tenebrous brought back by the evil god's influence over all things undead. Visages can assume other shapes (as explained below), but in their natural form, they appear as wispy, translucent spirits with frightening white masks where their heads should be. They have no legs, but instead float or fly through the air at will. Despite their noncorporeal appearance, visages are solid. They can't pass through walls or objects, though they can fit through tiny spaces too small for a human of equal size. Visages communicate through speech. Most know the common tongue, as it helps them move surreptitiously through society, and they pick up any languages spoken by those whose essences they steal (as explained below). ( , · A body could say that in battle, a visage strikes with its razor-sharp claws. That's a true statement, but it's also dangerously misleading - the claws are the least of a sod's worries. Visages warp minds in ways that no other creatures really can. Sure, plenty of berks create illusions (the baatezu're experts at it), but a visage can twist a body's mind, making him think what it wants him to think and experience what it wants him to experience. The undead fiend uses a number of tricks to force a false perception of reality on its victim. First and foremost, a visage wields a strange power that graybeards call lucidity control. The fiend can reach into the mind of anyone it sees and change how he perceives the world around him. The visage totally controls the victim's senses, but it usually does so in subtle ways so the sod won't realize that he's being manipulated. As long as the victim is unaware of the visage's assault, he receives no saving throw against the effect. However, if he tumbles to the fact that something's playing with his mind, he can attempt a saving throw versus spell. Success indicates that the victim perceives things as they truly are, but he must continue to make successful saving throws each round or fall back into the false reality created by the visage. To make it less likely that a sod'll realize his perceptions are being orchestrated, the undead fiends often mix real experiences with false ones. For example, a visage might artificially exaggerate perceived distances, make real objects appear to fall or move at inopportune times, change the way a building seems to be laid out, and so on. The thing to remember is that a visage loves to cause confusion and fear. Sure, it could shut off a berk's senses entirely, but it'd much rather do something disorienting and strange. Then, when a victim can no longer trust his own eyes and ears, the fiend rakes with its claws or simply manipulates the sod toward a horrible end (maneuvering him into a pit, stirring up another creature to attack him, and so on). Unfortunately, a visage has other ways of assaulting minds, as well. Once per day, it can dominate a single target (as per the 5th-level wizard spell domination), making him do and say whatever it likes. This requires a fair bit of concentration on the fiend's part, though, so it can't use its domination and lucidity-control powers at the same time. But if two or more visages attack the same party, one often alters their perceptions while the other dominates a victim to make the false reality seem more valid. Finally, a visage can assume a victim's very identity. See, when a visage kills someone, it can take on not only the cutter's form but also part of his essence. It almost perfectly imitates his voice, affectations, skills, and the like. Sure, the visage misses subtle mannerisms and quirks that a very close friend might notice, but the imitation can lend more weight to whatever false perceptions it tries to force on others. A visage in someone else's form can still use its lucidity-control and domination powers. Truth is, by taking a body's form and essence, the fiend can also cheat him out of another chance at life - and even his final reward. See, with his spirit gone, the victim can't be raised or resurrected, and he can't become a petitioner. That can be undone, but only if the visage is killed within one day of stealing the essence. If the fiend's still on the same plane as the victim, even better - the sod's chance for a successful res- • 15B .

urrection is doubled. But if the fiend voluntarily casts off the spirit (say, to take on another person's form), or if it holds onto the essence for longer than one day, the spirit withers away. The victim can't return to life, and he won't become a petitioner. He's just gone. Like many types of undead, visages are immune to sleep. charm, hold, magical fear, poison, paralyzation, and coldbased anacks. They can be struck only by magical weapons of +I or bener enchantment, and holy water does them no harm. They can be rurned by clerics and paladins, but only on the "special" ·row. Visages have no connection to the Ethereal Plane. The only society these creatures have is one dedicated LO serving the will of Tenebrous. Without him, they have no existence. Visages seem far too chaotic to have ranks; they treat each other as equals, taking orders only from their deity. Fact is, a visage has never been known to anack another of its k.ind, or display any feelings of rivalry or contempt for its brethren. That's not to say, h.owever, that the undead fiends show loyalty to their own kind. On the contrary: Visages care nothing for one another's welfare. If it's time to flee a battle, a visage won't hesitate to turn stag on its fellows and • give the situation the laugh. Visages can lurk anywhere in the multiverse, though the only habitat not alien LO these twisted fiends is the Negative Energy Plane. However, chant says the only place they're found there is in a fortress called Tcian Sumere, now rumored to be lost and adrift somewhere in the black void. But unlike other undead, visages have no special link to the Negative Energy Plane. Face is, they have no real link to anything in the cosmos except Tenebrous. Despite having been created by a forn1er Abyssal lord, the visages have no place amor'lg the tanar"ri. They're recognized immediately by other fiends and attacked on sight. Lower-planar inhabitants fear and-loathe these crea- • tures more than they do most other things - and that's saying a lot. See, most tanar'ri return to ltfe when slain, albeit usually in a lesser form. But a visage is denied both rebirth into another shape and the eternal oblivion of a fiend's true death. The berks're slaves of the magic that spawned them, and that strikes fear in the dark hearts of the tanar'ri. How many visages did Tenebrous create? No one knows. But if the tanar'ri are so familiar with them, perhaps there are other means of spawning the undead fiends. And perhaps they've been around longer than folks think. Could it be that certain aspects of the multiverse are nothing but huge deceptions put forth by visages? Maybe entire Abyssal layers are hidden from discovery or camouflaged beyond recognition . Perhaps the fiends· influence is even more widespread. And perhaps it's all just barmy talk. Then again. if everyone believes in a false reality. doesn't it become true? In the end, isn't a body left with the question: What is real? .. 159 . 0

S+A+IS+ICS eu+ et= +HE DARK.NESS CHAP+£R I : CIRCEAN EmBERS I\ (10 in Sigil, 68+ in Naphraks): AC 2 (bronze plate); MV 9; HD 3+3; hp 16 each; THACO 17 ; #AT 2; Dmg ld6/ Jd8+1 (bite/battle axe+ Str bonus); SZ M (6' tall); ML steady (12); Int very (II); AL CN; XP 175 each. Notes: When mounted on giant lizard, khaasta gains +I to hit foes on foot but loses ability to attack foes with bite. I 11 ~ 1 ~ (khaasta chieftain): AC 2 (bronze plate); MY 9; HD 6+6; hp 43; THACO 15; #AT 2; Dmg ld6/ld 10+3 (bite/twohanded sword + Str bonus); SZ M (7' tall); ML elite ( 14); Int very (12); AL CN; XP 650. Special Equipment: thief of charms (rod drains beauty from targets; see Chapter I for details; 10 charges left); silver Arcadian dovehawk feather (gate key). Notes: When mounted on giant lizard, toilmaster gains +I to hit foes on foot but loses ability to attack foes with bite. '' ( 10 on Outlands, 41 in Naphraks): AC 5; MY 15; HD 3+ I; hp 14 each; THACO 17; #AT I; Dmg ld8 ; SA double damage on attack roll of20; SZ H (15' long); ML average (10); Int non (O); AL N; XP 175 each. t I 1 1 l AC O (body), 2 (eyestalks), 7 (eyes); MY Fl 3 (B); HD 45-75 hp; hp 48; THACO 11; llAT 1; Dmg 2d4 (bite); SA eye powers; SD antimagic ray; SZ M (4' diameter); ML fanatic (18); Int exceptional (16); AL LE; XP 14,000. SA-10 eyestalks produce following effects: charm person, c/1ann monster, sleep (I target), relekinesis (250 lbs}, flesh co stone (30-yard range), disintegrare (20-yard range), fear (as wand), slow (I target}, cause serious wounds (50-yard range). dearh ( 1 target. 40-yard range). SD-central eye produces antimagic ray ( 140-yard range, 90- degree arc in front of Blvastin). Personality: no-nonsense, businesslike, intolerant of non-beholders. I .1 R 1 , Pl/ <? half-elf/F7,M6,T7/NE: AC 3 (bracers, Dex bonus); MY 12; hp 41; THACO 14; #AT 3/2 (broad sword) or 2 (short bow); Dmg 2d4 (broad sword) or ld6 (short bow) ; SA xJ backstab; SD infra vision 60', 300/o resistance to sleep and chann; SZ M (5' 4" tall); ML steady (12); XP 3,000. S 13, D 17, C 16, I 14, W 12, Ch 8. Personality: curious, self-centered, greedy. Special Equipment: bracers of defense (AC 6), boots of striding and springing, fiend globe (a one-use magical item that, when broken, summons a random fiend of minor status - in this case, a bar-lgura - to serve the user for one hour), 12 doses ofType D poison (injected, I d2 minutes, 30/2d6) for her blade or arrows. Spells (4/2/2): 1st-change self, color spray, magic missile, shield; 2nd-forget, invisibility; 3rd-delude, lightning bolt. Thief Abilities: PP 65, OL 50, F/RT 40, MS 65, HS 55, ON 30, CW 90, RL 35. 160 C (2):AC6;MY 12;HD6+2;hp28,27;THACO 15; llAT I; Dmg 2d4 (bite); SA swallow foe whole; SZ L (7 ' and 8' long); ML average (9); Int animal (I); AL N; XP 420 each. Notes: On an attack roll of 19 or 20, iguana swallows a smallsized foe whole (I/week). Unless he escapes, victim dies in a number of rounds equal to 'h of his Constituiion score. From within, blunt weapons cause no damage co iguana, and stabbing or slashing attacks cause l point of damage each. (Because these giant iguanas are smaller than standard specimens, they can·t swallow man-sized foes whole.) . AC 2 (bronze plate); MY 9; HD 8; hp 50; THACO 13 (1 2 with halberd); #AT 2; Dmg I d6/ l d 10+4 (bite/ halberd + Str bonus); SZ L (8' tall); ML champion (16); Int very (12); AL CN; XP 975. Personality: imperious, possessive. Special Equipment: thief of charms (see entry above for toil master); halberd +2 (forged on the Prime;+ I in Naphraks). I\ l AC 5; MY 6; HD 2; hp 10; THACO 20; llAT I; Dmg ld6 (bite); SW blind; SZ M (5'6" tall); ML elite (13); Int very (12) AL N; XP 175. Notes: The Wise One casts spells as a 5th-level cleric. SW-because of his blindness, the Wise One suffers a penalty co his attack roll, reducing it to 20. Personality: crafty, irascible. Spells (5/4): !st-bless, cure light wounds (x2), curse, entangle; 2nd-charm person or mammal, heat metal, hold person, silence J 5' radius. c HAP e, · 1: c Ru , Pl/ o human/T4,F9/LE: AC -1 (bracers, ring, Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 64; THACO 12 (II with Str. 9 with twohanded sword +2); #AT 3/2; Dmg ld10+3 (two-handed sword +2 + Str bonus); SA x2 backstab; SZ M (5' 10" tall); ML fearless (20); XP 5,000. Notes: Veridis is a dual-classed character who began as a thief and now advances as a fighter. S 17, D 18, C 15, I 18, W 16, Ch 17. Personality: assured, shrewd, cunning, subtly manipulative and often protective (if not actually compassionate) of the people of Crux. Special Equipment: invisible two-handed sword +2 (forged on Astral; full strength on Yggdrasil), bracers of defense (AC 4), ring of protection +2 (forged in Sigil; +I on Yggdrasil). Thief Abilities: PP 20, OL 10, F/RT JO, MS 83, HS 82, ON 45, CW 90, RL 38. , Pl/ <? human/P9(Y ggdrasil)/NG: AC 6 (shield, Dex bonus); MY 12; hp 49; THACO 16 (14 with wooden cudgel +2); #AT I; Dmg ld6+2 (wooden cudgel +2); SZ M (5' 8" tall); ML elite ( 14); XP 2,000. Notes: Marius is a druid (of a son), with a +2 save bonus vs. fire and electrical attacks and the ability to s hapechange (2/day) into an animal indigenous to Yggdrasil (bird, beetle, boar, etc.). but no other special druid powers. S 9, D 16, C 12, I JO, W 17, Ch 12. Personality: friendly, devoted to Yggdrasil.

Special Equipment: wooden cudgel +2, wooden shield +2 (both created on Yggdrasil). Spells (6/6/4/2/ l): I st-command (x2). cure light wounds. entangle, sanctuary, shillelagh; 2nd-barkskin, e111hrall, heat metal, hold person, silence 15' radius, warp wood; 3rd-dispel magic. plant growth, protection from fire. spike growth; 4thcure serious wounds, plant door; 5th-pass plant. ~ \1\11 .~ (5+): AC 6; MV 9, Fl 15 (D), Cl 12; HD 2; hp 8 each; THACO 19; llAT 2; Dmg ld4/ld4 (claw/claw); SA swoop. taunt; SD dodge; SZ S (4' tall); ML unsteady (6); Int low (6); AL CG; XP 175 each. SA-swoop from above and inflict double damage ; insults tau111 (as the spell) foes of low Intelligence or greater who fail to save vs. spell. SD-when airborne. a ratatosk can dodge a missile that would normally hie by rolling its current hit points or less on ld20. UlllfH YI (1(\f I)~~ 11\11'.\ ). AC 6; MV 9, Fl 15 (D), Cl 12: HD 3; hp 19; THACO 19; llAT 2 or I; Dmg ld4/ld4 (claw/claw) or ld6 (wooden cudgel); SA swoop. taunt; SD dodge; SZ M (5' tall); ML average (10); Int average (10); AL CG; XP 650. Notes: As a priest of Yggdrasil, Glittereye casts spells as a 6ch-leve1 priest. SA, SD-see stats for ratatosk. above. Personality: morose, depressed, and peery. Spells (3/3/2): Jsc-cure light wounds. detect el'il, shillelagh; 2nd-heat metal, trip, warp wood; 3rd-protection from fire, summon insects. p ) . I (' -.) AC 3; MV 18; HD 5+5; hp 29; THACO 15; NAT 5; Dmg ld4+4(x5); SA paralysis gas; SD struck only by +I or better weapons. double human senses, infravision 180'. immunities, save bonus; SZ M (5' tall); ML fearless (20); Int very (12); AL LN; XP 2,000. SA-once every five turns (but no more than five times per day). pentadrone can emir a stream of gas 2 feet in diameter and 5 feet in length; any creature caught in gas must save vs. paralysis or be immobilized for five rounds. Alternately, pentadrone can use gas to levitate (as the spell). SD-immune to illusions, magic that affects the mind or emotions. and attacks that draw upon the Positive or Negative Energy Planes (including life-draining); suffers damage from cold, fire, and acid attacks with a -2 modifier per die; gains+ I bonus to ~aves vs. cold, fire, and acid attacks. Personality: logical, inquisitive. CH.6.P+ER Ill: M.6.SKS V1v11 f AC O; MV Fl 15 (A); HD 6; hp 40; THACO 15; llAT 2; Dmg ld8/ld8 (claw/claw); SA lucidity control, domination, idenlity theft; SD struck only by+ I or better weapons. immunities, turning; MR 250/o; SZ M (6' tall); ML elite (14); Int high (14); AL CE; XP 2,000. Notes: These stats can be used throughout the remainder of the adventure, as the PCs will face visages on several occasions. SA-manipulate foe's perception of reality (target can save vs. spell to negate false reality for one round, but only if he realizes that he's being manipulated): dominate a single target (as the domi11ario11 spell) once per day: assume identity of slain foe. SD-immune to holy water, poison. paralyzation. cold. sleep. cham1, hold, and fear; rumed as a "special" type of undead. M • \t (3): AC -2; MV 12; HD 6; hp 45, 39, 32; THACO 15 (13 with khopesh sword +2); NAT 3/2 (in narural form) or 3 (in scorpion form); Dmg 2d4+2 (klropesh sword +2) or 1d10/ Id 10/ I d4 (pincer/pincer/stinger); SA poison sting; SD immunity, save; MR 100/o; SZ M (6' 6" call); ML fearless (20); Int high (14); AL LE; XP 1.400 each. Notes: Minion can shapechange into giant scorpion in less than one round; AC remains the same. SA-victims struck by scorpion·s stinger must save vs. poison or die: those who succeed still suffer 2d4 points of damage. SD-immune to magic that creates fear or doubt; saves as a 10th-level fighter while in either form. Special Equipment: kliopesh sword +2 (forged on Baator). Ci IH " !! (8): AC 3; MV 6; HD 5; hp 23 each; THACO 15; llAT I; Dmg 5d4 (mandibles); SZ L (9' long); ML elire ( 14); Int animal (I); AL N; XP 175 each. l • \ \ I Mh, Pl/o human/F5/NG,CG (3+): AC 4 (chain mail. shield); MV 12; hp 22 each; THACO 16; llAT I; Dmg 1 d8 (long sword); SZ M (6' tall); ML elite (14); Int average (10); XP 175 each. Notes: Only three watchmen attack the PCs during the ambush at High Point (the others are really visages). though the party may encounter more than three while exploring Crux. CH.6.P+ER IV: mESS.6.GE t=R•m TH.6.N.6.+$S L 11 (hi' ) (JOO+): AC 4; MV 12, Fl 24 (B); HD 5+3; hp 24 each; TH A CO 15; II AT I; Dmg 1 d6 (chilling couch); SA level drain; SD weapon immunity, attack immunity, hit point recovery; SW sunlight, holy water, raise dead; SZ M (6 ' tall); ML champion ( 15); Int very ( 12); AL LE; XP 2,000 each. Notes: Although hundreds of the Lovelost inhabit Ranais, they attack the PCs one al a lime to toy with the heroes. SA-a successful attack drains one experience level from a victim: those drained completely of levels become half-strength wraiths. SD-struck only by +I or better weapons: silver weapons inflict half damage: immune co poison, paralyzation. cold. sleep, c/iarm. hold, and dearli; recovers one lost hit point every eight hours. SW-direct sunlight renders a wraith powerless; holy water inflicts 2d4 points of damage: raise dead destroys a wraith that fails to save vs. spell. R .,.,, ., ( • ' ' '111 ) AC 7; MV 12, Fl 24 (B); HD 3+2; hp 15; THACO 17; NAT 2; Dmg 1/1 (claw/claw); SA breathe mist; SD wall of fog, gaseous form, gate; SW strong winds; SZ M (5' tall); ML average (10); Int average (10); AL N; XP 420. SA-every other round (max of 3/hour), can breathe cloud of mist that envelops one victim (save vs. poison or suffer ld4 points of choking damage and be blinded for ld4 rounds). SD-create a 111 01/ of fog as a 3rd-level wizard (I /day); assume gaseous form (I/day): gate ld2 ice or mist mephits (I/hour, 25% chance). SW-powerful winds (including gust of wind) cause mephit to flee. • 161 .

GL·\NJ I \Gil (1-10): AC 7; MV 3, Fl 48 (DJ; HD 4; hp 20 each; THACO 17; #AT 3; Dmg Jd6/ld6/2d6 (claw/claw/beak); SA dive; SD never surprised; SZ L ( 10' tall); ML elite ( 13); Int average (10); AL N; XP 420 each. SA-when diving more than 50 feet, eagle gains +4 to attack roll and inflicts double damage with claws. CHAP+ER. V : THE Be++em $f +HE muL+IVER.SE G11c111 (10 per guard post): AC 6; MV 9; HD 2; hp 16 each; THACO 19 ; #AT 3; Dmg id3/ld3/ld6 (claw/claw/bite); SA paralysis, become spectre; SD immune to sleep and charm; SW protection from evil keeps ghoul at bay; SZ M (6' tall); ML steady (12); Lnt low (5); AL CE; XP 175 each. Notes: Victims slain by ghouls in Tcian Sumere are eaten and thus do not become ghouls themselves. SA-victim touched by ghoul must save vs. paralyzation or remain immobile for Jd6+2 rounds; ifa group of 10 ghouls is slai n, their spirits merge to fonn a spectre. SP!lll<f (1-6): AC 2; MV 15, Fl 30 (BJ; HD 7+3; hp 36 each; THACO 13; #AT I; Dmg ld8 (chil ling touch); SA level drain; SD weapon and attack immunity; SW sunlight, holy water, raise dead; SZ M (6' tall); ML champion ( 15); Int high ( 13); AL CE; XP 3,000 each. Notes: One spectre forms from each pack of JO ghouls slain. Other than their alignments, they are standard spectres. SA-a successful attack drains two experience levels from a victim; those drained completely of levels become full-strength spectres. SD-struck only by +I or better weapons; immune to poison, paralyzation, cold, sleep, chamr, and hold. SW-sunlight renders spectre powerless; holy water inflicts 2d4 points of damage; raise dead destroys a spectre that fails Lo save vs. spell. :X11, Ii' AC O; MV 6; HD 7; hp 34; THACO 13: #AT I; Dmg I d6+6 (draining touch); SA corrosion, explosion; SD struck only by+ I or better weapons, spell immunity; SW shield spell repels attack; MR 150/o; SZ M (4' diameter); ML steady (12); Int high (14); AL N; XP 7,000. Notes: A circle of protection, a mace of disruption. or a rod of cancel/acion provides protection from xeg-yi's anacks; the rod and mace are immune to its corrosive touch. SA-every other round, xeg-yi can discharge a bolt of energy (JO-foot range) that inflicts I d6+6 points of damage upon living foes and corrodes nonliving materials that fail to save vs. electricity; when slain, xeg-yi explodes with negative energy (JO-foot-radius burst), causing 2d6+ 12 points of damage Lo foes and corroding materials that fail to save. SD-immune to all spells except disintegrate, magic missile, and heat-based attacks. Ftl'>tf ullll\1 AC 9; MV 8; HD 9; hp 40; THACO 11; #AT 2; Dmg 2d8/2d8 (fist/fist); SD struck only by +I or better weapons, spell immunity; SW fire, cold; SZ L (7'6" tall): ML fearless (20); Int semi (3); AL N; XP 2,000. SD-immune to all spells except fire- and cold-based attacks (see below); electrical attacks restore to golem I hit point per die of damage normally caused. SW-fire- and cold-based spells slow golem for 2d6 rounds. f...1~·11111 , Pr/ o drow vampire/HD 8+3/CE: AC 1; MV 12, Fl 18 (C); hp 33; THACO 11; #AT I; Dmg id6+4 (fist); SA gaze, life drain, summon aid, gaseous form, shape change, spider climb, drow spells; SD weapon and attack immunity, regeneration, gaseous at O hp, save bonus; SW garlic, mirrors, holy symbols, holy water, sunlight, running water, stake, bright light; MR 700/o; SZ M (5' 10" tall); ML champion (16); Int exceptional (16); XP 10,000. SA-gaze acts as charm person {-2 to saving throw); successful touch attack drains two experience levels from victim; summon IOdlO bats or rats, which arrive in 2d6 rounds; assume gaseous fomr at will: shape change into large bat; spider climb at will; can use any of the following spells (I/day): dancing lights, darkness 15' radius, detect magic, faerie fire, know alignment, and levitate. SD-struck only by +I or bener weapons; immune to poison, paralysis, sleep, lro/d, and charm; half damage from cold and electricity; regenerates 3 hp/round ; if reduced to O hp, assumes gaseous form and flees to coffin to regenera te body in eight hours; +2 bonus LO saves vs. magical anack. SW-repelled by garlic, mirrors, and holy symbols; suffers I d6+ I points of damage if struck by holy water or holy symbol: killed by sunlight (one round), running water (three rounds), or a stake through the hean; -2 to anack rolls in bright light. Personality: loyal to Kiaransalee. tinP111M1101< (cL1<:-.w 111\UJR w 1RrrJ· AC o; MY 12; HD 10; hp 56; THACO 11 ; #AT I; Dmg O; SA suggestion, ray of enfeeblement, fear (by touch); SD struck only by +I or better weapons; MR 30%; SZ L (7' tall); ML fanatic ( 17); Int genius ( 18); AL CE; XP 7,000. Notes: Glyphimhor has been greatly reduced in power and lacks most balor abilities. Personality: crafty, greedy. T~I IUWll' ~ROND: AC 9; MV O; HD 2+8; hp 20; THACO 17 ; HAT I; Dmg O; SA s hoots 2d4 tendrils (3 '-range) that induce coma and inflict damage; SZ M (5' tall); ML average ( 10); Int non (O); AL N; XP 420 . SA-victim struck by tendril must save vs. poison or fall into coma lasting I d4 hours; tendril drips enzyme on coma victim, inflicting 2d4 points of damage per round (damage stops if enzyme is washed off with water); tendril drains fluid from coma victim, inOicting I d6 points of damage per round. B101m:.1c.\I CON'>rl!lill. AC 6; MV 9; HD 8+8 ; hp 58; THACO as controller +3 (Str bonus); #AT I; Dmg 2d6 (fist) or by weapon +6; SD half damage from heat and cold attacks; SZ L (8' tall); ML as controller; AL as controller; XP 1,400. Notes: The construct has need for food. air, and sleep, just as a human does. Mind-influencing spells affect both controller and construct, as mind is shared. Construct stats and abilities do not increase as controller increases in level. S 18/00, D 6, C 16, 1 as controller, W as controller, Ch as controller -6.

CHAP+ER VI : THE VAUL+ $f +HE DR.$W Because the PCs have so much freedom in this chapter, the OM can introduce encounte rs with drow or monsters as needed. Thus, the stats for many of the foes below don't specify the number encountered. I 1t L o 11\ 111 . Pr/ o drow/F3/CE: AC 2 (chain mail +l, shield +I); MV 12; hp 15; THACO 18; #AT I; Dmg ld6+1 (short sword +I); SA can use dancing lights, darkness 15' radius, and faerie fire each once per day; SD infravision 120', surprise, save bonus; SW -2 to attacks in bright light; MR 56%; SZ M (5' tall); ML elite (14); Int high (14); XP 975. SD-surprised only on a roll of I on 1d1 O; +2 to saves vs. magical attack. Special Equipment: cliait1 mail + 1, shield (buckler) +I, short sword + 1 (all forged on the Prime). T \1 u~ 1v- ·~1 '>It •Pr/~ drow/ P4(Lolth)/CE: AC 0 (chain mail +2, shield +2); MV 12; hp 18; THACO 18; #AT I ; Dmg ld6+3 (mace +2); SA can use clairvoyance, dancing lights, darkness 15' radius, detect lie, detect magic, dispel magic, faerie fire, know alig11ment, levitate, and suggestion each o nce per day ; SD infravision 120', surprise, save bonus; SW -2 to attacks in bright light; MR 58%; SZ M (5' tall); ML elite ( 14); Int high (14); XP 1,400. SD-surprised only on a roll of 1 on Id IO; +2 to saves vs. magical attack. Special Equipment: chain mail +2, shield (buckler) +2, mace +2 (all forged o n the Prime). Spells (3/2): 1st-cause light wounds, command, cure light wounds; 2nd-heat metal, hold person. ul\NI Sl'llHI<. AC 4; MV 3, Wb 12; HD 4+4; hp 23; THACO 15; #AT 1; Dmg ld8 (bite); SA poison; SZ L (9' diameter); ML elite (13); Int low (6); AL CE; XP 650. SA-spider injects Type F poison through bite; victim must save vs. poison or die immediately. But,111 \K (:>OO): AC 5; MV 9; HD 3+ 1; hp 15 each ; THACO 17 (15 with morning star); #AT I ; Dmg 2d4 (claws) or 2d4+2 (morning star); SA -3 to opponents' surprise rolls; SD infravision 60'; SZ L (7' tall); ML steady ( 12); Int average (8); AL CE; XP 120 each. Notes: The bugbears gain +2 to attack and damage rolls with their morning stars because the weapons (though nonmagical) are especially large and heavy. What's more, Gannish, the bugbear leader, has 6 Hit Dice and wears gauntlets of ogre power. The general bugbear stats may also be useful later, if the OM decides that the PCs encounter more of the creatures on Pandemonium. T 11 11 JY • AC 5; MV 12; HD 2; hp 8; THACO 19; #AT 3 or I; Dmg ld2/ ld2/ ld4+1 (claw/claw/bite) or 2d4 (broad sword or morning star); SA noxious oil; SD infravision 90'; SZ M (6' tall); ML steady (11); Int low (6); AL CE; XP 120. SA-when angered or in melee, troglodyte secretes an oil so noxious that victims who fail to save vs. poison lose I d6 points of Strength for 10 rounds (due to revulsion). I I .II) ( l l 11 \), R) AC 5; MV 12; HD 8+4; hp 40; THACO 11; NAT 4; Dmg 2/2/2/2 (tentaclex4); SA mind blast, tentacles, spells; SD infravision; MR 90%; SZ M (6' tall); ML champion (15); Int genius (18); AL LE; XP 9,000. SA-mind blast (projected in a cone 60 feet long, 5 feet wide at stan , 20 feet wide at end) stuns victims for 3d4 rounds if they fail to save vs. wand ; successful tentacle attack indicates that tentacle grips victim's head (bend bars roll to remove), and if all four tentacles do so at same time. the victim dies one round thereafter; can use the following spells (I /round) as a 7th-level mage: astral projection, charm monster, cha rm person, ESP, levitate, plane shift, and suggestion (-4 to any saves vs. these spells). li111'\M1 \Krill~ , Pl/o githyanki/F4/CE: AC 3 (banded mail, shield); MV 12; hp 24; THACO 17 ; #AT I; Dmg ld8 (long sword); SA plane shift at will; SZ M (6' tall); ML steady (12); Int exceptional ( 15); XP 270. Notes: Many githyanki have psionics. f) ..,, ~ Iii AC 4; MV 15; HD 6; hp 28; THACO 15; #AT 2; Dmg 2d4/2d4 (tentaclex2); SA claws and teeth; SD displacement, save; SZ L (10' long); ML elite (14); Int semi (4); AL LE; XP 975. SA-if near death, displacer beast attacks with six claws (Dmg: ld3 each) and bite (Dmg: ldB). SD-beast appears to be 3 feet from its actual location, imposing -2 penalty on opponents' attack rolls (real location revealed only by true seeing); saves as I 2th-level fighter, adding +2 to rolls. N1111 ~WI AC -4; MV 15, Fl 36 (C); HD 6+6; hp 33; THACO 15; #AT 3; Dmg 2d4+2/2d4+2/2d4 (hoof/hoof/bite); SA front hooves ignite combustibles; SD noxious cloud; SZ L (6' tall at shoulder); ML elite (13); Int very (II); AL NE; XP 2,000. SD-emits cloud of noxious vapor that blinds and chokes victims within 10 feet; those who fail to save vs. paralyzation suffer -2 on attack and damage rolls. t. 1, Pr/ o drow/F4,M 10/CE: AC 0 (bracers, Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 40; THACO 17; NAT I; Dmg ld6+3 (short sword +3); SA can use dancing lights, darkness 15' radius, detect magic, faerie fire, know alignment, and levitate each once per day; SD infravision 120', surprise, save bonus; SW - 2 to attacks in bright lig ht; MR 700fo; SZ M (5'2" tall); ML elite (14); XP 5,000. SD- surprised only on a roll of I on Id 10; +2 to saves vs. magical attack. S 14, D 18, C 15, I 17, W 10, Ch 13. Personality: megalomaniacal, treacherous. Special Equipment: bracers of defense (AC 4), short sword +3 (forged on the Prime), wand of viscid globs (once per round, can fire a 5-foot-diameter g lob of gummy material up to 60 feet; target must save vs. wand to dodge or become stuck until g lob is destroyed by dispel magic or alcohol; 12 charges). Spells (4/4/3/2/2): 1st-charm person, detect magic, magic missile, ventriloquism; 2nd-blindness, ESP, invisibility, web; 3rd-fly, lightning bolt, slow; 4th-dimension door, wall of fire; 5th-telekinesis, wall of force. ... 163 +

VFROAfJH , Pr/<;? drow/P IO(Kiaransalee)/CE: AC -8 (chain mail +4, sliield +4, Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 42; THACO 14; NAT I; Dmg ld6+5 (mace +4); SA can use clairvoyance, dancing Jig hrs, darkness I 5' radius, detect lie, detect magic, dispel magic, faerie fire, know alignment, levitate, and suggestion each once per day; SD infravision 120', surprise, save bonus; SW -2 to attacks in bright light; MR 1001o; SZ M (5' 3" call): ML champion (16); XP 5,000. S IJ, D 18, C IJ, I 12, W 18, Ch 16. Personality: paranoid, devoted to Erehe. Special Equipment: chain mail +4, shield (buckler) +4, mace +4 (all forged on the Prime), fire elemenral gem (functions as a brazier of commanding fire elementals, except that the elemental can be summoned from any existing fire source, and no fire elementals will attack the bearer of this item if it is held out forcefully). Spells (6/6/4/4/2): !st-cause light wounds, command (x2), cure Jig/it wounds, detect magic, sanctuary; 2nd-heat metal, hold person (x2), know alignment, resisr fire, silence I 5' radius; 3rd-continual darkness, cause blindness or deafness, glyph of warding, cause paralysis; 4th-cure serious wounds, detect lie, protection from lightning, tongues; 5thflame strike, true seeing. Yue 11 lH. PROXY 01 Lot 111 AC 10 (true form), 4 (spider), or 3 (drow with plate mail); MV 12, Wb 6 as spider; HO 6+6; hp 50; THACO 15 (true form), 15 (spider), or 13 (drow + Str bonus); NAT 8 (true form), I (spider), or I (drow): Dmg ld4+4 x8 (true form: tentacles), ld8 (spider: bite), or ld6+4 (drow: short sword + Str bonus); SA poison, spells, psionics; SD weapon and attack immunities; SW magical winds; MR 500/o; SZ M (61 tall); ML champion (16); Int high (14); AL CE; XP 11,000. Notes: Yochlol's natural form is that of a roperlike mass. though it can assume che form of a drow female, a giant spider. or a stinking cloud. While in cloud form, the yochlol cannot make physical or spell-like attacks, but can use its psionic powers. SA-spider's bite immediately kills victim who fails to save vs. poison; solid forms have the spell-like powers charm person, darkness I 5' radius, infra vision, spider climb, stone shape, teleport without error. and web (all I/round, at will). SD-cloud form harmed only by magic missiles or magical cold or fire; solid forms struck only by cold iron, silver, or +2 or berter weapons; solid forms immune to nonmagical fire, gas, poison, and electricity; solid forms suffer half damage from cold and magical fire. SW-gust of wind inflicts 6d6 points of damage to cloud form; wind walk slays cloud form instantly. Psionics summary: Lvl 6; Dis/Sci/Dev l/J/10; Attack/Defense MT,11,EW/All; Score 14; PSPs 90. Psionic powers: Telepathic sciences: domination. mindlink, probe; telepathic devotions: attraction, contact, ESP, invisibility, phobia amplification, psychic impersonation. CHAP+ER VII : THI: RUINS «Bf Pt:L IGHI \1 . Pl/o aasimar/R9/CG: AC 4 (leather +3, Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 56;THACO 12 (II with Strbonus); #AT 3/2; Dmg ldlO+l (two-handed sword+ Str bonus) or ld6+1 (spear+ Str bonus); SA fighting/hunting lycanthropes; SD infravision 60', + 1 on surprise rolls, half damage from fire and cold, +2 to saves vs. charm, fear, emotion. or domination; MR 100/o; SZ M (6' 4" tall); ML fanatic (17); XP 3,000. SA-gains +4 to attack rolls when fighting lycanthropes; 25% chance to detect lycanthropes by smell alone. S 17, D 15, C 14. I 12, W 15, Ch 13. Personality: obsessed, gruff. Special Equipment: leather armor +3 (forged on Arboreal, boots of speed. Spells (2): I st-animal friendship, locate animals or plants. Thief Abilities: MS 700/o, HS 560/o. l (at least 3 per PC): AC 4; MV 15; HD 4; hp 16 each; THACO 17; #AT 3; Dmg ld4/ld4/ld8 (claw/claw/bite); SA paralysis, stench; SD immune to sleep and charm; SW cold iron weapons inflict double damage; SZ M (5' tall); ML elite (IJ); Int very (12); AL CE; XP 650 each. SA-victim touched by ghast must save vs. paralyzation or become immobile for ld6+4 rounds; anyone within 10 feet of ghasrs debilitating stench must save vs. poison or suffer -2 to attack rolls. 11 1 , Pl/ o human/TB/NE: AC 4 (cloak +3, Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 25; THACO 17; #AT I; Dmg ld6+1 (short sword +2); SA x3 backstab; SZ M (5'10" tall); ML elite (13); XP 2,000. S 11,D 17,C 12,115,W IO,Ch8. Personality: self-serving, untrustworthy. Special Equipment: short sword +2 (forged on the Outlands; + 1 on Arboreal. cloak of protection +3 (created on Arboreal. ring of regeneration, the Orb of Kadu-Ra. Thief Abilities: PP 45, OL 55, F/RT 55, MS 60, HS 65, DN 35, CW 60, RL 20. \ ~ "1 , Pl/ o, <;? alabaster el f/F7 /CN (J or 20): AC 3 (chain mail, shield, Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 42 each; THACO 14, (12 with sword, IJ with bow); llAT 2; Dmg Id8+2 (long sword) or ld6 (long bow); SA +2 to attack rolls with bow if within 30'; SD 900/o resistant to sleep and charm; SZ M (6' tall); Ml champion (16); Int average (10); XP 975 each. Notes: These deaf elves are treated as specialists in long swords and long bows. granting them anack and damage bonuses. Special Equipment: one of every six warriors has either a long sword + 1 or a long bow +I (forged on Arboreal. AC 8; MV I, Sw 3; HD 8; hp 52; THACO IJ; #AT I; Dmg 4d4; SA poison, corrosion; SD weapon resistance, immune to acid, cold, and heat; SZ L (15' long); ML elite (14); Int low (7); AL NE; XP 2,000. Notes: The crystal ooze was a standard specimen until the vile essence of the pool changed its Hit Dice, size, Intelligence, and alignment. SA-victim of artack must save vs. poison or become paralyzed for 5d4 rounds, during which time ooze tries to consume him + 164 +

(a victim reduced to -20 hp is totally consumed); touch corrodes wood and cloth. SD-weapons innict only I point of damage per strike; wooden weapons that strike the ooze must save vs. acid or dissolve. AC 3; MV 9: llD 10+6; hp 58; THACO 11: NAT I; Dmg ldl2 (bite); SA level drain, poison, gaze; SD attack immunity. wraithforrn; SW turning; MR 400/o; SZ G (35' long): Ml elite (14); Int low (5); AL N; XP 10,000. Notes: This is the original wraithworm, from which all others were created; it"s much more powerful than the normal specimen. SA-bite drains two experience levels from victim (save vs. spell to negate); bite transmits poison that inflicts Jd4 points of damage every hour for I d6 hours, during which time the victim"s attack rolls. saving throws. and AC suffer a - 4 penalty (save vs. poison at -2 to negate both the damage and the penalty); any creature of 6 or fewer Hit Dice that meets the wraithworm's gaze is paralyzed for 2d4 rounds (save vs. spell to avoid). SD-immune to cold or negative energy attacks: can assume wrai1/1for111 (as the spell) at will, in which state it's struck only by +I or better weapons but can't make physical or gaze anacks. SW-a priest's successful turning attempt vs. a ghost renders the wraithworm motionless for ldJ rounds. , Px/o ?/F8,M8/CG: AC 6 (Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 69; THACO 13 (II with any object as a weapon); NAT 3/2; Dmg ld6+4 (any object+ Str bonus); SA can use any object as a weapon; SD immune to mind-affecting magic; MR 30%; SZ M (6'1" tall); ML fanatic (18); XP 2,000. Notes: Evreth's race is unknown. S 18/79, D 18. C 16, I 18, W 13, Ch 7. Personality: condescending, arrogant. Spells (4/3/3/2): 1st-armor, burning hands, hold portal. shield; 2nd-blur, detect invisibility, Me/fs acid arrow; 3rdblink, flame arrow, hold perso11; 4th-fear, stoneskin. , Px/o ?/F7/CG: AC 10; MV 12; hp 57; THACO 14 (II with any object as a weapon); NAT 3/2; Dmg ld6+6 (any object+ Str bonus); SA can use any object as a weapon; SD immune to mind-affeccing magic; MR 300/o; SZ M (5'4" tall); Ml fearless (19); XP 1,400. Notes: Tchunim's race is unknown. S 18/00, D 12. C 16, I 13, W 17, Ch 14. Persona/icy: friendly, helpful, curious. CHAP+ER VIII: Dfepi:s PA oemeN1um , Pl/ o human/F9/N: AC I (plate mail, shield); MV 9 (moderately encumbered); hp 67; THACO 12 ( 11 with sword. 10 with Str bonus); NAT 3/2; Dmg 2d4+4 (broad sword+ Str bonus); SZ M (6'2" tall); Ml elite (14); XP 3,000. Notes: A former paladin, Pirreg has lost all paladin abilities and much Wisdom and Charisma as a result of his madness. S 18/31, D 12, C 16, I 14, W 7, Ch 8. Personality: paranoid, deluded. Special Equipment: plate mail +2, broad sword +2 (both forged on the OULlands; +I on Pandemonium). ring of fire resistance, rope of entanglement. 165 , Pl/ Q bariaur/P8(Tyr)/N: AC 3 (plate mail); MV 9 (moderately encumbered); hp 34; THACO 16 (15 with mace); NAT I; Dmg ld6+2 (mace); SD +2 to surprise rolls, +3 to save vs. spell; SZ M (5'4" tall); Ml average (10); XP 1,400. Notes: Due to her harrowing experiences on Pandemonium, Antha's lost her priest abilities, including spellcasting. S II, D 12, C 10, I 15, W 16, Ch 13. Personality: frightened. desperate. Special Equipment: mace +3 (forged on Mount Celestia; +I on Pandemonium), wand of negatio11 (4 charges). , Pl/o human/MB/NE: AC 7 (Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 23; THACO 18 (15 with staff); NAT I; Dmg ld6+3 (staff of striking); SA staff: SZ M (5 ' 11" tall); ML elite (14); XP 2,000. SA-when striking with staff, Cardule can use rwo charges to inflict ld6+6 points of damage, or three charges to inflict ld6+9. S 10, D 17, C 12, I 16. W 10, Ch 9. Personality: angry, distrustful. Special Equipment: staff of striking ( 15 charges), wand of polymorphing (24 charges). potion of extra-healing. Spells (4/3/3/2): 1st-armor, burning hands, magic missile, shield; 2nd-detect invisibility, ESP, web; 3rd-dispel magic, fireball, light11ing bolt; 4lh-sliout, stoneski11. 1 AC4;MV 12;HD6+6;hp40;THACO 13;/IATJor I; Dmg Id4+4/ld4+4/ld8+4 (claw/claw/bite) or ldl0+8 (twohanded sword + Str bonus); SA severed Limbs; SD infravision 90'. regeneration; SW fire and acid cause permanent damage; SZ l (9' tall); Ml elite (14); Int low (6); AL CE; XP 1,400. SA-severed body parts continue to tight, attempting to rejoin with largest intact portion of body once combat has ended. SD-starting three rounds after damage is incurred (even if reduced to O hp). troll regenerates J hp/round until healed. AC 5; MV II, Sw 15; HD 7+7; hp 46; THACO 13 (10 with spear, II with sword); NAT 5; Dmg ld4+1 (x4)/2d4 (clawx4/bite) or I d6+3/ l d8+2/ 1 d8/ I d6/2d4 (spear +J/long sword/long sword/shon sword/bite); SA hurl rocks, constriction; SD +4 to save vs. poison; SZ H (25' long, IO' tall); Ml elite (14); Int very (11); AL LN; XP 1,400. SA-hurl rocks up to 40 feet, inflicting 2d6 points of damage each. SA-if same victim is struck rwice in one round, victim must make Strand Dex checks; if both are failed, victim is constricted starting next round, suffering 2d6 points of damage per round. - I to attack rolls, and -2 to damage rolls (Str check to break free). Personality: paranoid, greedy. Special Equipment: spear +3 (forged on Pandemonium), /011g sword +J (forged on the Outlands; +2 on Pandemonium). (3): AC I (plate mail, two shields); MV 9; HD 2+4; hp 15 each; THACO 19; NAT 2 or I; Dmg ld8+2/ld8+2 (long sword + Str bonus) or I d6+2 (thrown spear+ Str bonus); SD +I to surprise rolls, fade to Astral Plane; SZ M (7' tall): Ml steady (12); Int average (9); Al LE; XP 175 each. Notes: A reave's ability to become astral and return ld6 rounds later works only from the topmost layer of an Outer Plane; thus, the reaves can't fade while in Phlegethon.

l"il1R[ ~ (36+): AC 9; MV 12; HD I; hp 4 each; THACO 19; NAT I; Dmg ld2 (claw); SZ M (4' tall); ML average (8); Int low (5); AL CN; XP 15 each. INlM~'> MoTHHL AC 10; MV 1; HD 8; hp 40; THACO 13; NATO; Dmg O; SZ G (30' across); ML fearless (19); Int average (8); AL CN; XP 650. Q ·\11-N ·\MOG, Pr/ o half-ogre/P 12(0rcus-Tenebrous)/NE: AC -1 (banded mail, shield); MV 9 (moderately encumbered); hp 59; THACO 14 (11 with gauntlets, 9 with flail); NAT I; Dmg ld6+9 (flail, gauntlets); SD infravision 60' ; SW -2 to hit dwarves, -4 to hit gnomes; SZ M (7' tall); Ml fanatic ( 18); XP 4,000. Notes: Quah-Namog is astrally projecting himself onto Pandemonium, which means that he carries only magical equipment (nonmagical items can 't be projected). But because he's several planes away from his deity, the priest functions at a reduced spellcasting level during this encounter. The spell list given below assumes that Tenebrous is on the Negative Energy Plane. Since three planes (the Ethereal, the Prime, and the Astral) separate him from Quah-Namog, the priest loses three spellcascing levels and functions as a 9th-level caster. However, if the DM wants to make Quah-Namog stronger, he can rule that Tenebrous is closer co Pandemonium, meaning that the priest's spellcasting level increases. S 14 (18/00), D II, C 16, I 13, W 17, Ch 7. Personality: devoted, desperate. Special Equipment: flail +4 (forged on the Prime; +2 on Pandemonium), banded mail +3 (forged on the Prime ; +I on Pandemonium), shield +5 (forged on the Prime; +3 on Pandemonium), gauntlets of ogre power. Spells (6/6/4/2/ l): 1st-cause fear, cause light wounds, command, cure light wounds, detect good, protection from good; 2nd-heat metal, hold person (x 2), produce flame, silence 15' radius, warp wood; 3rd-animate dead, dispel magic, locate object, prayer; 4th-cure serious wounds, free action; 5th-cure critical wounds. CHAP+ER IX: THE DEAD·B$$K. $f +HE G$DS SKI 11 ur-.~ (3d8+): AC 7; MV 12; HD I; hp 8 each; THACO 19; NAT I; Dmg ld6 (short sword); SD magical immunities, half damage from edged or piercing weapons; SW holy water inflicts 2d4 points of damage; SZ M (6 ' tall); ML fearless (20); Int non (O); AL N; XP 65 each. SD-immune to fear. sleep. chann, hold, and cold attacks. 'v \RR \NC.lll~. '>~IR ~Pf II (I per pc): AC O; MV 3, Fl 18 (CJ; HD 5+5; hp 30 each; THACO 15; #AT 3 ; Dmg ld4/ld4/ld6 (claw/claw/bite); SA breathe fire ; SD struck only by silver or magical weapons, immunities; SW magical light; MR 250/o ; SZ M (4' tall); ML fanatic (18) ; Int very (12); AL CE; XP 2,000 each. Notes: Each varrangoin controls 50 normal bats (see below). SA-three times per day, can breathe a cloud of fire (I 0-yard diameter. JO-yard range) that inflicts 5d6 points of damage. SD-immune to fire-based spells; half damage from acid attacks; allowed a save vs. breath weapons for half damage. SW-light or continual light inflicts 2 points of damage per caster level and imposes - 2 on anack rolls and saving throws; sun- ray or a burst from a wand of illumination inflicts 6d6 points of damage (no save). B.1 (50 per PC): AC B (when swarming) or 4 (under ideal flying conditions); MV I, Fl 24 (BJ; HD 2 hp each; THACO 20; NAT I; Dmg I; SA hinder combat and spells; SZ T (I' long); ML unreliable (4); Int animal (I); AL N; XP 15 each. SA-when swarming, bats hinder foe's ability to fight (-2 to attack rolls) and cast spells (Wisdom check required). Qt \II N \~111c.. , Pr/ o half-ogre/P 12(0rcus-Tenebrous)/NE: Use the stats given above, with these changes: AC -3; THACO 8 (with flail); Dmg I d6+ 10 (with gauntlets and flail). The changes reflect the fact that Quah-Namog's shield, armor, and weapon each gain one plus in the Astral, being closer to their plane of creation. Notes: Quah-Namog is not astrally projecting in this encounter; he's physically present in the Astral. Because he's literally sitting on top of his deity's head, he functions at full spellcasting strength. Spells (8/7/6/3/2/2): I st-cause fear, cause light wounds, command, cure light wounds (x2), detect good, protection from good, sanctuary; 2nd-heat metal, hold person (x2), produce flame, silence 15' radius, spiritual hammer, warp wood; 3rdanimate dead, cause paralysis, dispel magic, locate object, prayer, protection from fire; 4th-cure serious wounds, free action, spell immunity; 5th-cure critical wounds, dispel good; 6th-blade barrier, word of recall. IN+$ +HE LIGH+ PAR+ $NE: I N I + I A I. F $ RAYS Because the PCs have the freedom to investigate as they please, the stats below aren't presented in the order in which the heroes meet the characters. Instead, the stats are grouped according to general allegiance. THE A+HAR \ 11 " I ·rn·rn ~1111011 R<,, Pl/var human/FS/Athar/N (5): AC 8 (leather); MV 12; hp 28 each; THACO 16; #AT l; Dmg id6 (shon sword, club, or spear); SA poison; SZ M (5'6" tall); ML elite (14); Int average (II); XP 175 each. Special Equipment: Type M poison on blades (contact, ld4 minutes, 20/5). li111 w nu Su ... 11111J, Pl/ o human/C7/Athar/LN: AC 3 (plate mail); MV 9; hp 32; THACO 16; #AT I; Dmg Jd6+1 (flail); SZ M (6' tall); Ml fearless (19); XP 975. S 14, D 10, C 15, I 12, W 15, Ch 9. Personality: loyal, committed. Special Equipment: brooch of shielding (absorbs 26 points of magic missile damage). + 166 +

Spells (5/4/2/ l ): I st-bless, command, cure light wounds (x2), detect evil; 2nd-aid, hold person, spiritual hammer, wyvern watch; '3rd-glyph of warding, protection from fire; 4th-cure serious wounds. Alll\lt c.t Al<,.., \ rnt:1<u1. Pl/var va r/F3/Athar/N: AC 4 (chain mail,shield);MV 12;hp 18each;THACO 18;NAT l ;Dmg ld6 (spear) or ld4+ I (light crossbow); SZ M (5' tall); ML champion (15); Int average (10); XP 120 each. Notes: Two guards watch the front entrance of the church, two gua rds patrol Nickle Street (behind the church), 20 warriors wait in the building next door, and one crossbowman waits on a roof across the street. '\1H•1t v-.rn111 1 rn KU. Pl/ 2 human/Tra4/Athar/NG: AC 8 (ring of protection +I, Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 9; THACO 19; NAT I; Dmg ld6 (stafl); SZ M (5'6" tall); ML champion (16) ; XP 650. S 12, D 15, C 13, I 16, W 13, Ch 14. Personality: brash, headstrong. Special Equipment: ring of protection +I (forged in Sigil). Spells (4/3): I st-burning hands, color spray, shocking grasp, spider climb; 2nd-irritation, levitate, pyrotechnics. H \FMONI M TROOPS .\I Hl ~ II. Pl/var var/F5/Harmonium/LN ( 15): AC 3 (banded mail, shield); MV 12; hp '32 each; THACO 16; NAT I; Dmg ld6+1 (footman's mace); SZ M (6' tall); ML fanatic (17); Im average (8); XP 175 each. Notes: If the PCs try to fight their way into the church, the Harmonium troops arrive quickly to help the Athar defend the place-that's what seems most likely to keep the peace. THE WA.Y 9f +HE 9HE l1rn1s, Prn elf/F6/Sign ofOne/N: AC 5 (chain mail); MV 12; hp 34; TIIACO 15 (13 with sword); #AT I; Dmg 2d4+1 (broad sword+/); SD infravision 60', 90% resistant to sleep and charm; SZ M (5 '7" tall); ML elite (14); XP 650. Notes: Elchis is loyal to the Way of the One subgroup of the Signers. S 15, D 14, C 16, I 13, W 12. Ch 10. Personality: sneaky, vindictive. Special Equipment: broad sword +I (forged on the Outlands). uRI \1MllH Ml, Pl/ o half-elf/M8/Fated/LE: AC 10; MV 12; hp 20; THACO 18 (17 with blowgun +I); #AT 0 (2 with blowgun +I); Dmg 2 (blowgun dart); SA darts tipped with poison; SD infravision 60', 30% resistant to sleep and chann; SZ M (5'2" tall); ML average (9); XP 2,000. Notes: Gremmith currently works for the Way of the One subgroup of the Signers. S8,D IO,C7,I 18, W 13,Ch7. Personality: cowardly, selfish. Special Equipmenr: blowgun +I (forged in Sigil), ring of shocking grasp, Type C poison (injected, ld4+ I minutes, 25/2d4). Spells (4/3/3/2): lst-am1or, cham1 person, magic missile, sleep; 2nd-blur, invisibility, Me/j's acid arrow; '3rd-delude, .fireball, wraithfonn; 4th-dimension door, phantasmal killer. ~ILoM k 1 kl 1~11 Pl/var var/F4/Sign of One/N (5): AC 7 (leather, shield); MV 12; hp 24 each; THACO 17; #AT I ; Dmg ld8 (long sword or battle axe); SZ M (6' tall); ML champion ( 16); Int average (10); XP 120 each. e+HER FA.C+teHS L ~ l 11 :.. 11· in It. Pl/ 2 githzerai/T5/Doomguard/N: AC 7 (Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 17; THACO 18; #AT I; Dmg ld4 (dagger); SA x3 backstab; SD infravision 60'; SZ M (5'8" tall); MR 35%; ML steady (12); XP 650. S II, D 17, C 12, I 16, W 12, Ch IJ. Personality: personable, talkative. Special Equipment: gem of insight. Thief Abilities: PP 40, OL 50, F/RT 40, MS 50, HS 45, ON 30, CW 70, RL 45. M \t w• 1 , PI/ o human/Pal7 /Fraternity of Order/LG: AC 2 (plate mail, shield); MV 9; hp 51; THACO 14 (II with sword and Str); #AT 3/2; Dmg ld8+3 (long sword +2 + Str bonus); SD detect evil, save bonus, immunity, cure disease, healing, aura of protection, tum undead; SZ M (6'4" tall); ML fanatic (18); XP 4,000. SD-detect evil within 60 feet (takes one round); +2 to all saving throws; immune to disease; cure disease twice per week ; heal 14 hp (for himself or another) once per day; IQ-foot-radius aura of protection causes evil creatures to attack at - I; tum undead as 5thlevel cleric. S 17, D 10, C 15, I 12, W IJ, Ch 17. Personality: noble, stra ightforward. Special Equipment: long sword +2 (forged on the Outlands), ring of truth. potion of hill giant strength. I 11 " , Pl/ o a ir genasi/P6(Yan-C-Bin)/NE: AC 5 (chain mail); MV 12; hp 25; THACO 18; #AT I; Dmg ld6 (sho rt sword); SA levitate once per day, poison on blade; SD +I to saves vs. air magic; SZ M (5' 6" tall); ML elite ( 13); XP 2,000. Notes: lvth can create a cool breeze at will. s 12, D 11, c 9, I 17 I w 16, Ch 8. Personality: despicable. Special Equipment: wand of magic missiles (24 charges), potion of i1111isibility, Type M poison (contact, ld4 minutes, 20/5). Spells (5/5/2): I st-bless, cause light wounds, command, cure light wounds, detect magic; 2nd-augury, chann person or mammal, hold person, know alignment, silence 15' radius; 3rd-cause paralysis, dispel magic. B 1 (4): AC 2; MV 15; HD 6+6; hp 30 each; THACO 15; #AT 2; Dmg 2d4+6/2d4+6 (claw/claw); SA spell-like powers, wolf form; SD struck only by+ I or better weapons; MR 30%; SZ M (5 ' tall); ML champio n (15); Int high (13); AL LE; XP 2,000 each. Notes: The barghests serve as lvth's bodyguards. SA-can use the following spell-like powers once per round at will: le11itate, misdirection, project image, and sllape cllange (into wolf form); can use the following spell-like powers once per day at will: cllarm (person or monster), dimension door, and emotion; in wolf form, has MY 30, is 75% unlikely to be noticed when motionless (-2 to opponents' surprise rolls), and can pass wirllout trace. + 167 ..

C "ILM f I (38): AC 6; MV 15; HD I; hp 3 each; THACO 19; #AT I; Dmg ld4 (bite); SA when 35 are together, can cast one !st-level wizard spell per day; SD communal Hit Dice, saves, immunity; SZ T (6" long); ML unsteady (7); Int 1-7 (fluctuates); Al NE; XP 65 each. Notes: These rats constantly spread out and come together while they gather informa tion for lvth, so their Intelligence and abilities are always in flux. They're loyal to lvth and report everything they see to him. SD-when calculating damage from area-affecting spells, treat Hit Dice of pack as a pool (ignore individual hp of each rat}; rats save as a creature of as many Hit Dice as pack's current Intelligence; immune to sleep when 25 or more rats are together. PAR+ TW$: CR$SSED sweRDS D v.i1 ·111 . Pl/ <i? foxwoman/HD 8+ 1/Xaositect/CE: AC 2, 4, or 6; MV 24, 18, or 12; hp 50; THACO 13 (12 with sword); #AT I; Dmg ld2 (fox bite), 2d6 (vixen bite) or ld8 (long sword); SA lycanthropy (vixen), charms males of 13 or less Wisdom (elf); SD struck only by silver or +I or better weapons, infravision 60', pass without trace (fox), 900fo resistant to sleep and charm (elf'); SZ S (3' Jong) or M (5' tall); ML elite (13); Int exceptional (16); XP 2,000. Notes: Daniphe can assume three different forms: fox. vixen (a hybrid of fox and elf), and female elf. Variable stats above are given in the following order: fox. vixen. elf. SA-human or elf females bitten by vixen for half or more of their hit points become foxwomen within three days unless a priest of 12th+ level casts cure disease and remove curse on victim. i\1H 11 0 Al 1-.. \1 1 1.rn: Use the starisrics given above, with the 20 guards from next door split into seven crossbowmen on the roof across the street and 13 around rhe church. MH1vm , Pl/o human/Enc IO/Sign of One/NE: AC IO; MV 6; hp 36; THACO 17; #AT I; Dmg ld6 (stafO; SZ M (5' 10" tall); ML elite (14); XP 3,000. Notes: Mhavor, leader of the Way of the One subgroup of the Signers. is old and weak., and walks only by means of his staff. S 5, D 7, C 8, I I 7, W 1 5, Ch 14. Personality: harsh, focused. Special Equipment: potion of clairvoyance, potion of healing, robe of useful items, wand of negation ( 10 charges). Spells (5/5/4/3/3): 1st-charm person, burning l1ands, dancing lights, hold portal, hypnotism; 2nd-detect invisibility, ESP, Me/fs acid arrow, ray of enfeeblement, scare; 3rddispel magic, fly (x2), suggestion; 4th-fire shield, fumble, stoneskin; 5th-domination, fabricate, feeblemind. PAR+ TH REE: mvs+ERIES $f +HE s+eNES \'> 1 (first stone). Pr/var human/F5/N ( 10): AC 10; MV 12; hp 25; THACO 16; #AT I; Dmg ld4 (curved knife); SZ M (6' rail); ML fanatic (19); Int average (10); XP 175 each. Br-• /1 ·~ .1 , H 1 (second stone): AC -4; MV 9, Fl 30 (C), Sw 12; HD 20; hp 98; THACO 2; llAT 3; Dmg ld8+6/ld8+6/ 4d6+6 (claw/claw/bite); SA spell-like abilities; SD immune to lightning; MR 250/o; SZ G (63' long); ML fanatic ( 17); Int exceptional (16); AL LN; XP 15,000. Notes: Because the dragon won't use its lightning or repulsion breath weapons in its master's palace, those attacks aren't described in rhe stats. SA-spell-like abilities: water breathing and speak witlr animals at will: create food and water, polymorph self. and ESP three times per day; wall of fog once per day. Spells (2/ l ): !st-charm person, magic missile; 2nd-detect evil. ':>•II ' 1 (third stone), Pr/var human/F3/N: AC 6 (studded leather, shield); MV 12; hp 16; THACO 18; llAT I; Dmg ld6 (spear, short sword, or long bow); SZ M (6' tall); ML steady (12); Int average (10); XP 120 each. Notes: Use these stats for soldiers on both sides of the battle. t>; 1 ~ 1 i.. " (third stone), Pr/var human/F5/NE: AC 4 (banded mail); MV 12; hp 45; THACO 16; #AT I ; Dmg ld8 (scimitar); SZ M (5'6" tall); ML fearless (20); Int average (9); XP 175 each. \ , Pl/ o human/F8/LE (and memory version from sixth stone): AC 7 (bracers, Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 30; THACO 13; #AT 3/2; Dmg Jd6+1 (list with mace-ring); SZ M (5'11" tall); ML elite (13); XP 975. S 14. D 15, C 12, I 18. W 17, Ch 13. Personality: scheming, vengeful. Special Equipment: mace-ring (ring that enables list to cause damage as a mace), bracers of defense (AC BJ, ring of human influence, cloak of invisibility. l• (and memory version from sixth stone): AC O: MV 9; HD 9+5; hp 63; THACO ll; #AT 3; Dmg ld6+2/ld6+2/ 2d8 (claw/claw/bite); SA spell-like abilities, gate; SD struck only by + 1 or better weapons; MR 500/o; SZ L (7'6" tall); ML elite (14); Int average (9); AL CN; XP 11,000. Notes: Only in the (nawed) memory-combat can the slaad gate in other slaadi, because no one can gate in or out of Sigil. SA-can use the following once per round at will: polymorph (into a human). darkness l 5' radius. detect i1111isibility, dt.>tect magic, ESP, fear, locate object, produce flame. telekinesis; can use delayed blast fireball once per day; gate ld6 red, ld4 blue, ld2 green. or I gray slaad (2/day, 50% chance).

AD&D - Dead Gods - Planescape (2e) - Flip eBook Pages 151-184 (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.