Its About 3 Superheroes Named Catboy, Owlette, And Gekko Who Go At Night to Stop Crime.
Well, there was only one episode where I could talk to the characters.
So I Was Just Minding My Own Business Animating When the doorbell rung.
“Who is it?” I asked.

I Opened the Door And there Was A PJMasks DVD Witch Said, “PJMasks: In To The Complete Series Night to Save the Day!!!” Witch Had Catboy, Owlette, Gekko In Front Of the HQ, also the Eone, Frog Box, Playhouse Disney, Disney Junior, and Disney DVD were at the bottom left and bottom right.
”Wait Did Disney And Eone Work together On this Dvd?” I Asked
I then Noticed A Note Attached to It It Said “To Whoever Is Reading this Please Do Not Watch this Dvd! I Was too Weak to Stop them, Please Don't Watch It!”
“What Do You Mean You Were too Weak to Stop them? I'll Watch It to Find Out What Your talking About?” I Said
I Putted the DVD In the DVD Player And It Started With the Warning Screen But Something Was Off.
The background was maroon and the text was in the "Bat" font, and demonic evil laughter was heard.
”What the heck?” I asked

And showed it showed the EOne, Walt Disney Home Entertainment, Playhouse Disney, Disney Junior & the Disney's Fast Play logos, but they were off too and the Walt Disney Home Entertainment, Playhouse Disney, Disney Junior & the Disney's Fast Play logos were in a DVD opening for unkown reason

the EOne logo came up, but it was in shades of maroon, and the music was distorted
The Walt Disney Home Entertainment logo came up, but the background was maroon, the text "Walt Disney" text was in "Vampire Calligraphy" and the "Home Entertainment" text was in "Chiller" font and when the star stretched out, sounds of evil laughter was heard.

The Playhouse Disney logo came up, but the sky was also blood red, the sun and bird were evil, the logo was in shades of light red, and the jingle was demonic.
The Disney Junior logo came up, but the background was red, the letters were beaten up, and the disney text had scratches.

The Disney's Fast Play logo came up, but the background was also in shades of blood red, the disc was broken in half, the Disney text was in the Vampire Calligraphy font, the DVD and Fastplay text was in the Creepsville font like in "The Evil Slueths".
When tinker Bell appeared, she had her same design from "The Evil Agents"
"Tinker Bell?" I asked. "Why is she evil?"

After that creepy logos, it showed many previews of Playhouse Disney shows and Disney Junior shows like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, JoJo's Circus, Higglytown Heroes, Special Agent Oso, Little Einsteins, Jungle Junction, Stanley, Rolie Polie Olie, Jake & the Neverland Pirates, Doc Mcstuffins, Sofia the First, My Friends Tigger and Pooh and even Handy Manny.

But everytime a preview played, I heard some faint whispers like:
"Run...", "Run for your lives…" or "they're coming..."
After those previews it took me to the menu which featured the transformation sequence as the sun started to set.
"Night in the city!" the narrator began. "And a brave band of heroes is ready to face fendish villians to stop them messing with your day!"
The sun then set and the moon came up as the sky turned to night as it showed Connor, Amaya and Greg looking out the window.
While Connor was writing in his journal, he looked outside to see the moon.
While Amaya was reading, she saw the moon outside.
While Greg was petting his lizard Lionel, he noticed it was night.
It then showed each scene of Connor, Amaya and Greg transforming.
Amaya pressed the button on her wrist as it beeped.
Amaya giggled as she started changing
the scene then showed the pink owl symbol as it glowed then it showed Amaya transforming.
"Amaya becomes..." the narrator started.
Amaya then changed into Owlette as she got into her signature pose.
"Owlette!" She spoke, as the symbol of the pink owl appeared behind her.
Owlette then flew around as she led a pink trail.
It then showed Connor pushing the button on wrist and putting his fist in the air
"Yeah!" Connor cheered, as his wrist glowed.
Soon afterwards, it showed the cat symbol as it glowed.
It then showed Catboy jumping in the air as he started transforming.
"Connor becomes…" the narrator continued.
He then transformed into Catboy as he got into his usual pose.
"Catboy!" He screamed, as he the symbol of the cat appeared behind him.
He then sped offscreen by using his "Super Cat Speed".
And finally it showed Greg pushing the button his wrist and clenching his fist into the air.
then it showed the symbol of the green gekko and then it glowed covering the whole screen.
then it cut to Greg as he started to transform.
"Greg becomes…" the narrator finished.
He then transformed into Gekko, as he got into his superhero pose.
"Gekko!" He screamed, as the symbol the green gekko appeared behind him.
Gekko then flexed his muscles and stomped onto the floor with his fist.
And then it showed the PJ Masks zooming out of their houses as they zipped through the neighborhood and got straight to HQ
It then showed the inside of HQ as Owlette, Catboy and Gekko striked their superhero poses.
"The PJ Masks!" they cheered.
And after they did their superhero poses, the "PJ Picture Player" turned on as it showed the options below reading:

- "Play All"
- "Episode Selection"
- "Visit EOne And Playhouse Disney"
- "Bonus Features"
- "Set Up"
- "Sneak Peeks"
And then inside of the light blue circle there was the "Disney's Fast Play" option.
I was puzzled why the "Disney's Fast Play" option was in there.
"Huh." I thought. "I never seen the Disney's Fast Play option in there before."
I then shrugged it all off, and went to the "Episode Selection" menu to see what was in there.
the "Episode Selection" sequences transition featured
It then went to the panned over fast to the city
the "Episode Selection" menu featured every episode on each window on buildings like:
- Blame it on the Train, Owlette.
- (add list of all episodes from 2015 to 2024)
As I Was looking though the Episode selection, I saw an episode that i don't recall being in the series.
"2024?" I Asked.

It was called "the PJ Demons", the thumbnail Had Just the PJMasks Looking At the Blood Red Sky, and I was so confused on why was the last episode named like that.
"Why would they even feature an episode with demons?” I Asked.
I then went back to the menu, I then Pressed Play All.
the "Play All" sequence featured the
And then it went to the "Disney DVD" logo, but it was different too.
The background was blood red, the disc was broken in half like in the "Fast Play" logo, the "Disney" text was in "Vampire Calligraphy" and the DVD text was in the "Creepsville" font, and when tinker Bell appeared she was still evil.
Tinker Bell's eyes were glowing red as she let out an evil laugh and flew off.
After the strange logo, it showed the warning screens from "Disney" but it was off too.
The "Disney" Blue FBI Warning screen had red stains, and the text was covered in blood.
After the strange warning, it showed all of the episodes as I watched them all.
After All Of these Episodes A Warning Came Up Witch took Place At the First Frame Of the Intro But the Background Was In Shades Of Maroon, It Said:

"WARNING: this episode of "PJ Masks" was made By Ezio Goodman and his friend Zoe Gravestone who teamed up to make this and were fired for their bad ideas due to it trying to be scrapped, but it released anyway because it was too late. And by the way the episode has blood, gore, death, and swearing, so watch at your own risk, Also… IT'S TIME TO BE A HERO!!!"
"Jumpscare? What the hell is this stupid idea?" I muttered.
Then warning then faded to the intro but something was off.
All the Backgrounds And Sky Were In Shades Of Maroon, And The Music Was Demonic, No One Didn't Notice At All.

The Logo Came Up But It Was In Shades Of Maroon.
After that Weird Intro It Started At the Inside Of the HQ Where Catboy, Owlette, Gekko, And PJRobot Is.
The episode text then faded in, but it was maroon and was the episode title from the "Episode Selection" menu, and instead of the PJ Masks reading the title it was a demonic voice
"They have demons in a kids show?!" I gasped, I hope this was just some dumb prank by EOne to get me scared.

“Alright If Any Villain Comes In Here We Will Fight them!” Catboy Said
”Deal!” Owlette And Gekko Said
After that they Heard Evil Laughter that Sounded Like the Creepy Little Girl Laugh.
”What Was that?” Owlette Said.
”It Must Be Evil Laughter” PJRobot Said In the Voice Of SpongeBob From SpongeBob SquarePants.

this Was Shocking to Me PJRobot Never Spoke In the Show Before.
Catboy, Owlette, And Gekko Gasped.
“PJRobot!” Catboy Said
”You Can talk!?!” Owlette Said
”But How!?!” Gekko Said
”Oh And Not Only that there Is Something Wrong With the Sky too” PJRobot Said
“there Is?” Gekko Said
”Yep See For Your Selfs” PJRobot Said
the PJMasks And PJRobot Went Outside.
the Night Sky Was Maroon, Witch Was the Same thing As the Intro.
”the-the-the-tHE NIGHt SKY IS MAROON!!!” Gekko Panicked

”I think We Should Just Ignore It” Catboy Said
”I Agree” Owlette Said
”Same” Gekko Said
then they Went Back In the HQ.

It Cuts to Catboys Room Where they Were thinking A Way to turn the Night Sky Back to Normal.
Just then the Power Went Out.
”WHAt HAPPENED tO tHE LIGHtS!?!” PJRobot Panicked
“Don't Worry too Much PJRobot Im Sure I Got FlashLights” Catboy Said
the Lights Went Back On to Reveal A Dark Figure In the Room.

the Dark Figure Had Sharp Claws On Its Hands And Feet, It Had Sharp teeth, And A Pentagram On Its Chest.
the PJMasks And PJRobot Looked Up to the Dark Figure And Gasped.
“W-W-Who Are You?” PJRobot Panicked.
the Dark Figure Didnt Answer them As He Started to Choke them.
“I Am the PJ Demon!, And You Nighttime Heroes Are My Next Vessels!” the PJDemon Said (The Voice Of Honey Mustard From Sausage Party).

the PJ Masks And PJ Robot Were Screaming While Blood Came Out Of their Mouths.
And I Noticed their Styles Changed While Being Choked, they all had sharp teeth.
Catboy, Owlette, And Gekko's Suits Were Now In Shades Of red (witch to resembled as demons) And thier Symbols Were Now Replaced With Pentagrams.
And PJRobot's Screen Was Cracked, His Eyes And Mouth Were Now In Shades Of Red, He Had Sharp teeth, And He Is Now In Shades Of Maroon (witch to represent blood and gore.)

the PJ Demon Let Go to Catboy Owlette Gekko And PJ Robot AS He teleport Away
Meanwhile, Catboy Gekko And PJ Robot Fell to the Ground With No Pulse
I started to get shocked when I saw that. It's now all coming back to me...!
Basically what I'm trying to say is this... ME AND tHE OtHERS HAVE SEEN ALL OF tHIS BEFORE. MULtIPLE tIMES!!!
Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah.
After they fell, the PJ Masks & PJ Robot Got Up As Catboy Said In the Demonic Voice
"We Are Now the PJ Demons, And We Are Gonna Murder Everyone In this City!” Catboy Said.
they then teleported Away Offscreen.
It then Cuts to Luna Girl In the Museum With Her Moths.
”Now, What Should I Steal?” Luna Girl Chuckled.
That was when it hit me, I needed to do something before things got worse.
While I Was Watching It, Something Magical Happened.
Luna then Looked At Me And Said this: ”What Are You talking About?”
”Woah...! I can actually communicate with the toon characters in this episode?” I gasped, surprisingly.
”Yeah, I guess It Looks Like You Can” Luna Said
Just then the PJDemons teleported Behind Luna Girl
”told you." I said. "NOW RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!"
Luna Panicked As She Ran to the Door.
"AFtER HER! AND DON't LEt HER ESCAPE!" Catboy growled.
Luna Got to the Door But the Door Wouldn't Open.
“OPEN UP YOU StUPID DOOR” Luna Furiously Said.
“Did She Say Stupid In A Kids Show?” I asked.
Luna still didn't give up as she tried everything to open the door, But the doorknob broke off and Luna gasped.
"AHH NO!" Luna yelled. "I'M GONNA FREAKING DIE!"
Pretty soon, the PJ Demons caught up to her.
"Oh I'm not going down without no fight!" Luna said. "Moths....GEt tHEM!"
the Moths Flew to the PJ Demons And tried to Attack But they Were too Weak As they Used Bug Spray On them.
"YOU PJ FREAKS!!!" Luna yelled. "I'LL GEt YOU FOR tHIS!"
Oh my god, I never seen Luna that angry before.
So yeah, Luna had a 1v4 fight with the PJ Demons.
the Fighting Went On For About 1-2 Minutes Until Luna Lost Her Weapon.
“NO!" Luna screamed.
"YES!" PJ Robot yelled.