Will You Do It Again? - EPautos - Libertarian Car Talk (2025)

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Now is the time to ask yourself – will I ever put on a “mask” again? Because it is likely you’ll be told you must, again. See this little clip of the odious drug pusher Peter Hotez to get a sense of that:

The Herr Docktor, you may recall, was a ubiquitous presence on TeeeVeee during the fomented mass-panic event that some people still stupidly refer to as “the pandemic.” Which is stupid because it wasn’t, except in the sense that the annual flu constitutes a “pandemic.” The word was used – and is still used – to hystericize people; to engender the fear needed to get people to accept such things as “mask” mandates and being “locked down.”

Well, he’s at it again.

Warning of “multiple viruses” that will be “unleashed” on us just after the inauguration of Donald Trump in late January. Of course. Just in the nick of time to reboot the mass hysteria that led to the inauguration of the vile old grifter who has spent the past four years ensuring he and his family enjoy generational wealth – via Keeeeeeeeeeeeeevvvv – and will never be held accountable for anything they’ve ever done.

Trump, of course, hasn’t either. It was he, after all, who decreed an “emergency” when there wasn’t one. The “emergency” that lasted for years. The one that facilitated the Warp Speeding of gene-manipulating drugs that were then pushed on people at least as aggressively as “masks” and presented – carrot and stick-style – as the way out of having to “mask.”

I’ve spent the past four-plus years now doing my damndest to get people to comprehend that “masking” was the evil predicate to “vaccinating.” That the latter would inevitably follow the former. That by putting on the god-damned “mask,” people were lining themselves up for a shot in the arm. Because it follows. If it is necessary for everyone to wear a “mask,” then it has been conceded in principle it is necessary for everyone to roll up their sleeves. It is a simple, logical sequence that – to my dismay – all-too-many people could not see or understand.

I never once played along with this sick Kabuki because I knew it was much more than “just a mask.” That it wasn’t a “small ask,” as some mask-pushers put it at the time. That it wasn’t just a degradation ritual; an effort to make people look and thus feel stupid -although that by itself was reason enough to shove the proffered “mask” up the ass of the person proffering it.

I knew where “masking” would lead. And did lead.

There is only one way to prevent it from leading there again. It is to decide – right now – that no “mask” will ever be effacing your face (and thereby, showing the world you’ve surrendered your brains) again.

If enough of us so decide – and abide by that decision – it will be impossible for these loathsome peddlers of mass hysteria to sustain it, should they try it again. Had even 20 percent of the population refused to “mask up” last time and gone about as normal – showing their faces and very obviously not dying on account of it – the “pandemic” would have ended by the summer of 2020. But because almost everyone did “mask up” – disgracefully going-along to get-along – the “pandemic” lasted for three years, ruining “hundreds of millions of lives” along the way.

We’ve been warned. We already know what the Herr Docktors have in mind for us. Prepare yourself for when they try it again.

Be ready to do what so many didn’t last time. Refuse to “mask.” Refuse it all.

Never again.

. . .

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Will You Do It Again? - EPautos - Libertarian Car Talk (2025)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.